Understanding Blob Storage In Azure


This article will cover the following.
  • Brief concepts and prerequisites
  • Implementation – Installation of Azure Explorer
  • Implementation – Create a storage account in Azure
  • Implementation – Use Azure Explorer to add blobs in the storage account

Brief concepts and prerequisites

What is Azure Explorer?

  • Free Azure storage tool to manage all the blobs at the common place.
  • Great GUI tool for adding and modifying the blobs.


Read the following article to create Azure account and for some basic information about Azure to get started.

Implementation – Installation of Azure Explorer

Steps to be followed

  • Download the Azure Explorer from the following link and install it into the system.
  • Once we open the Azure Explorer, go to Azure storage accounts, which is empty currently.

Implementation – Create a storage account in Azure

Steps to be followed

  • Go to Azure portal and click on Add >> Storage.
  • Fill in all the details and give the storage name. Use the existing resource group and then click on “Create”.
  • Go to the Storage Account section and see the newly created storage account.

Implementation – Use Azure Explorer to add and view blobs in the storage account

  • Go the Azure Explorer; Right click on that and add new connection; Select “Connect to Azure with an Storage Name and an Access Key”.
  • Go to the storage account in Azure to get the storage name and key from there.
  • Then, put these values in the connection and press OK.
  • Then, you will see the new storage account, shown there in Azure Explorer.
  • Then, add a new blob container and select access level to public.
  • Copy the image from the file system and paste it in the blob container.
  • Now, copy the path of the image and paste it into the browser. When we see the image, we see that the URL is a storage account URL.

Happy learning!

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