All of us IT professionals are aware of the fact that the SQL database is a very good database solution. So, if you are planning to start a career as SQL developer or DBA, now is the right time to move in.
Let’s get introduced to SQL.
What is SQL?
SQL stands for Structured Query Language as used to interact with the database. Using SQL, we can create a database, create a table, insert, retrieve, update and delete data in the table.
What is a Database?
Database is the collection of schemas, tables, queries etc. to help us store and manage the data.
Let’s get started with some basic to advanced SQL queries.
- How can we get SQL Server version?
- How do we get the server property using SQL command?
- How we can get stored procedure text using SQL command?
- How can we get stored procedure text using SQL Object definition?
- SELECT OBJECT_DEFINITION(OBJECT_ID('[SQLDB].[dbo].[insert_EmpDetails]'))
- How can we get created stored procedure Object Id from Database?
- SELECT object_id As ObjectID FROM sys.sql_modules
- WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('[SQLDB].[dbo].[insert_EmpDetails]')
- How can we get Table Created Date and Last modified date?
- SELECT [TableName] = name,create_date,modify_date FROM sys.tables
- WHERE name = 'EmployeeM'
- When has a user accessed or scanned a table?
- SELECT distinct [TableName] = OBJECT_NAME(object_id),
- last_user_update, last_user_seek, last_user_scan
- FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats
- WHERE database_id = DB_ID('SQLDB') AND OBJECT_NAME(object_id) = 'EmployeeM'
- How many connection attempts since SQL started?
- SELECT [ConnectionAttempts] = @@CONNECTIONS
(Note:Number of connections depends on when SQL started.)
- How can we retrieve Database Recovery model information?
- SELECT [DatabaseName] = name,[RecoveryModel] = recovery_model_desc
- FROM sys.databases
- Get Database Id, login time, session id and status:
- SELECT session_id,login_time,database_id,status FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions
- WHERE DB_NAME(database_id) = 'SQLDB'
- Get database file description and physical name:
- SELECT name, type_desc, physical_name FROM sys.database_files
- Get fail mail details of SQL mail server:
- SELECT recipients,sent_status,sent_date FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_faileditems
- Get successfully sent mail details from SQL mail server:
- SELECT recipients,sent_status,sent_date FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_sentitems
- Get System mail event log details:
- SELECT log_id, event_type, log_date, description FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_event_log
- ORDER BY log_date DESC
- How can we Get Current User Session Id?
- SELECT @@SPID AS CuurentUserSessionId
- SQL Trigger Enable and Disable command
Disable - alter table EmployeM DISABLE TRIGGER trg_Employee
Enable - alter table EmployeeM ENABLE TRIGGER trg_Employee
- Get table name list
- SELECT name as TableName FROM sys.tables
- Get Table column information as like Column name, data type, Nullable type
- Get comma-separated employee names:
- Using: COALESCE function
- SELECT @NameStr = COALESCE(@NameStr+',' ,'') + EmpName
- select @NameStr
- Transport TEXT using SQL:
- Declare @str nvarchar(100)='Rakesh';
- Declare @length INT;
- Declare @i INT=1;
- SET @length=LEN(@str)
- while @i<=@length
- print(substring(@str,@i,1));
- set @i=@i+1;
- Get all User define table list
- select Name As UserDefineTable from Sys.objects where Type='u'
- Gel Primary key list from User-defined table
- select Name As PrimaryKey from Sys.Objects where Type='PK'
- Find Internal Table from database:
- select Name As InternalTables from Sys.Objects where Type='it'
- Write the query for finding available system field data type names:
- SELECT name AS [Name] FROM sys.types
- Get the list of database schema:
- SELECT AS [Name] FROM sys.schemas AS s ORDER BY [Name] ASC
- Get the list of different types of database roles:
- select name as [Name] from sys.database_principals where type = 'R' order by name
- Find the current system's Windows user:
- Get the list of created stored procedures with definition:
- Generate Hash password:
- DECLARE @HashPassword nvarchar(250) = 'password';
- SELECT HASHBYTES('SHA2_256', @HashPassword);
I hope you like this article. Stay tune for the next one, and have a nice day.