Tips to Learn Angular Quickly

If you are an experienced developer from .NET (WebForm/MVC) / JAVA (Spring) / HTML, CSS, and Javascript client-side developer. You can easily learn Angular quickly.

Overall, any Website or Application requires basic three things.

  • HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language
  • CSS: Cascading Style Sheet
  • JavaScript / jQuery.

If you know the above three things, I am very sure your 40% to 50% journey is already finished.

In Angular 18, when you create a component or see the default component, there are four files created for one component. Component is a group of four types of files. Let's take an example of app. component


app.component.css This is CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) file where you are going to write your CSS.
app.component.html This is HTML (Hypher Text Markup Language) file where you are going to write HTML - UI (user interface).
app.component.spec.ts This is the file used for testing purposes.
app.component.ts Typescript code.

Now I think you understand the basic requirement, let's understand others following required tools for learning ANGULAR better and fast.

  • Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) Commands.
  • Basic of Typescript

What is Angular CLI?

Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) is a powerful command line tool for managing Angular applications. Using Angular CLI, developers can do the following.

  • Create application
  • Create Component, Service, Guard, and more. . .
  • Build application

Angular CLI can be installed only after successful installation of Node. JS. You can download Node.JS  from the following link:

Following are commands to install Angular CLI using NPM (Node Package Manager).

npm install -g @angular/cli

After the above command is executed successfully, you can create an Angular project and components inside the project very easily.


Typescript is a strongly typed programming language developed by Microsoft. TS is a file extension for typescript base files.

In typescript language, you can create the interface, class, abstract class, inheritances, etc.

In short, you can enjoy the power of server-side language C#.

In Typescript language you have to focus on the following things.

  1. Data Types
  2. Variable declaration
  3. Function
  4. Class
  5. Interface

DataTypes, Functions, and Control flow statements are mostly similar; only a little bit changes you will find.


In JavaScript, you should have knowledge of the following.

  1. ES-5 / ES-6. ES (Echma Script).
  2. Arrays - Handling
  3. JSON

Bootstrap / Plain CSS

Use Bootstrap 4 /5 and plain CSS in the angular project, and learn Material and other Angular-based UI tools later on. This will save you time and reduce your angular learning journey.

In Angular, you have to focus on the following things.

  1. Component
  2. Routing
  3. Guard
  4. Data Binding
  5. Template Form
  6. Service

The above things are sufficient to work with Angular on the initial level.