The Security Risks Of Using AI


AI tools can pose significant cybersecurity risks as they become more common and sophisticated. Traditional antivirus software is no longer able to detect malware using AI techniques, so traditional approaches and countermeasures may not be able to mitigate new risks.

  • Incorrect or biased outputs
  • Vulnerabilities in AI-generated code
  • Copyright or licensing violations
  • Reputation or brand impacts
  • Outsourcing or losing human oversight for decisions
  • Compliance violations

Companies must adjust their risk mitigation strategies as well as their business strategies to accommodate new AI capabilities. AI risks can be mitigated with the help of cybersecurity and data privacy.

Cybersecurity risks

The increasing importance of AI systems and their potential for businesses and citizens has led to significant concerns about AI security risks. Using AI brings several security risks that need to be addressed to ensure safe and responsible deployment.

Here are some of the primary security risks associated with AI.

  1. Data breaches and misuse: AI platforms that process and store a large amount of confidential or sensitive data, such as personal information, face a significant cybersecurity risk due to data breaches. personally identifiable information, financial data, and health records. Data breaches in AI platforms are a result of multiple risk factors. Due to weak security protocols and insufficient encryption, AI instances that process and analyze data may be vulnerable internally, lack adequate monitoring, lax access controls, and internal threats. Externally, Various security risks can affect AI solutions and platforms externally and they may be targets for data theft, especially if the data used to interact with these platforms is recorded or archived.
  2. Adversarial attacks: AI models may be vulnerable to attacks from cyber adversaries who are quick to adapt and may actively seek to exploit vulnerabilities. Attackers have the ability to manipulate AI systems by using carefully crafted inputs to produce outputs that are not accurate or unexpected. The possibility of attackers bypassing defenses or feeding deceptive information into cybersecurity tools is a significant threat to cybersecurity. To prevent this risk, it is crucial to maintain constant vigilance and rigorous testing.
  3. Model Bias and Discrimination: AI models can learn from historical data, but biases can still be perpetuated in their decisions if that data contains biases. Discriminatory outcomes can occur in cybersecurity, with certain groups or types of threats being over or underrepresented, depending on the context. To ensure fair and effective threat detection, the importance of addressing biases in AI models cannot be overstated. AI systems can unintentionally perpetuate or even amplify biases present in their training data, leading to discriminatory practices. This not only poses ethical concerns but can also lead to legal and reputational risks.
  4. Security of AI Infrastructure: AI solutions are just like any other software because they rely on software, hardware, and networking components that can be attacked by hackers. Cloud-based AI services, graphics processing units (GPUs), and tensor processing units (TPUs) are all ways in which AI can be targeted, along with traditional attack vectors. The infrastructure used to deploy and run AI systems, such as cloud services and IoT devices, can also be vulnerable to attacks. Securing the entire AI lifecycle, from development to deployment, is crucial.
  5. Model poisoning: The production environment is where adversarial attacks are directed toward AI models or systems, while model poisoning attacks are directed toward AI models in development or testing environments. To affect the output, attackers use model poisoning to include malicious data in the training data, sometimes leading to significant deviations in behavior from the AI model.

An AI model may produce inaccurate or biased predictions following a successful model poison attack, resulting in inaccurate or unfair decision-making. Some organizations are investing in training closed large language model (LLM) AI to solve specific problems with their internal or specialized data. The absence of proper security controls and measures can result in severe damage to these applications due to model poisoning attacks.


Mitigating these risks involves implementing robust security measures, such as encrypting data, using secure coding practices, conducting regular security audits, and fostering transparency and accountability in AI systems. Additionally, regulatory frameworks and industry standards can help guide the responsible development and deployment of AI technologies.