The Basic SKU Public IPs will be Retired in Azure


Microsoft has announced that the Basic SKU public IPs will be retired On September 30, 2025; if you are currently using the Basic SKU IPs in your environment, it is better to upgrade them as soon as possible. When you upgrade the VMs Public IP, the IP address will never change, so the upgrading won't affect your working environment.

This process requires a maximum of 3-5 minutes of downtime, but based on your environment, the downtime will change.

If your Basic SKU Public IP is attached to the VPN / ExpressRoute Gateway, you must recreate the Gateway at that time. The IP will change, so the remote device should change the new IP.

VPN / ExpressRoute upgrade, the downtime should be 1 hour; it's also based on the number of connections and the remote device.

Step 1. To verify the SKU, go to the Public IP addresses, add the Filter, select SKU on the Filter, and select the Value as Basic.


Step 2. Select the IP address and ensure the IP is attached to the Virtual Machine.

Virtual Machine

Step 3. Shut down the VM; if the VMs are running any services, stop the services, shut down the VM, then Stop the VM on the Portal.

VM on the Portal

Step 4. Go to the Public IP and click Dissociate.


Step 5. Click Yes to Dissociation.


Step 6. Click Upgrade to Standard SKU - Microsoft recommends Standard SKU public IP address for production workloads link.

Standard SKU

Step 7. Select the I acknowledge checkbox and click Yes.


Step 8. Make sure that the SKU is Standard, and click Associate.

SKU is Standard

Step 9. Select the Resource type as Network interface, select the correct Network interface, and click Ok.

Network interface


We have successfully upgraded the Basic SKU to the Standard SKU; in our next article, we will learn how to automate this process using Azure DevOps.

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