System Views and Functions in SQL Server 2005 by Steve on Jul 06, 2006

I tried to explore some basic TSQL functions and VIEWS in SQL Server 2005. I believe this would be useful when we write DDL-DML Statements.

declare @schemaName varchar(100)
declare @tblName varchar(100)
declare @colName varchar(100)
declare @objectID int

set @schemaName = 'College'
set @tblName = 'Student'
set @colName = 'iStatusID'
set @objectID = OBJECT_ID(@schemaName + '.' + @tblName)

-- 1. How to check the Column is nullable?
SELECT COLUMNPROPERTY(@objectID,@colName,'AllowsNull') AS 'Allows Null?';
-- 2. How to check the Column is an identity?
SELECT COLUMNPROPERTY(@objectID,@colName,'IsIdentity') AS 'Identity?';

-- 3. How to check the Column is an FullTextEnabled?
SELECT COLUMNPROPERTY(@objectID,@colName,'IsFulltextIndexed') AS 'FullTextEnabled?';

-- 4. How to check the Column's datatype?
select as 'Datatype', a.max_length, a.precision, a.scale
from sys.columns a
join sys.types b on a.system_type_id = b.system_type_id and a.user_type_id = b.user_type_id
where OBJECT_NAME(a.object_id) = @tblName and = @colName

-- 5. How to identify that the default constraints have been created for the Column?
select as 'Default Constraint Name'
from sys.default_constraints a
join sys.all_columns b on a.parent_object_id = b.object_id and a.parent_column_id = b.column_id
where object_name(parent_object_id) = @tblName and = @colName

-- 6. How to identify that the foreignkey constraints for the table?
select name as 'ForeignKeyConstraint Name' from sys.objects
where type = 'F' and parent_object_id = @objectID

-- 7. Select all Constraints associated with this table and Column.
WHERE Table_Name = @tblName and Column_Name = @colName

-- 8. Find all the Objects from sys.objects table by specifying the "type".
select name from sys.objects WHERE parent_object_id = @objectID and type = 'D'


By changing the object type, the following objects can be seen. 

  • PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint
  • C = CHECK constraint
  • D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone)
  • F = FOREIGN KEY constraint
  • UQ = UNIQUE constraint
  • AF = Aggregate function (CLR)
  • FS = Assembly (CLR) scalar function
  • FT = Assembly (CLR) table-valued function
  • PC = Assembly (CLR) stored procedure
  • FN = SQL scalar function
  • IF = SQL inlined table-valued function
  • TF = SQL table-valued-function
  • R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone)
  • SN = Synonym
  • TR = SQL DML trigger
  • U = Table (user-defined)
  • P = SQL stored procedure
  • V = View
  • X = Extended stored procedure
  • IT = Internal table

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