In this article, you will see the Styling Built-in Directives like NgStyle and NgClass in Angular along with examples.
Article Overview
- Background
- Prerequisites
- NgStyle
- NgClass
- Summary
- Build-in directives are attributes which we add to HTML element to give dynamic behavior.
- Angular provides various built-in directives.
- In this article we’re going to cover conditional directives such as NgStyle and NgClass along with examples of how to use them.
- You should have a basic knowledge of Angular.
It is used to set a given DOM element CSS properties from the Angular expressions.
First Approach
The first way to use it is by doing [style.<cssproperty>]="value", as in the following:
- <div [style.background-color]="'yellow'">
- Uses fixed yellow background
- </div>
Second Approach
The second way to set fixed values is by using NgStyle attribute by using key value pairs for each property you want to set, as like below:
- <div [ngStyle]="{color: 'white', 'background-color': 'blue'}">
- Uses fixed white text on blue background
- </div>
Using dynamic values
Example of NgStyle directive with using dynamic values is as following,
- <div class="ui input">
- <input type="text" name="color" value="{{color}}" #colorinput>
- </div>
- <div class="ui input">
- <input type="text" name="fontSize" value="{{fontSize}}" #fontinput>
- </div>
- <button class="ui primary button" (click)="apply(colorinput.value, fontinput.value)">
- Apply settings
- </button>
- <div>
- <span [ngStyle]="{color: 'red'}" [style.font-size.px]="fontSize">red text</span>
- </div>
- apply(color: string, fontSize: number): void {
- this.color = color;
- this.fontSize = fontSize;
- }
- It is represented by a ngClass attribute in your HTML template.
- It is used to set and change the CSS classes dynamically for a given DOM element.
First Approach
- The first way to use this directive is by passing in an object literal.
- The object is expected by the keys as the class names and the values should be a true/false value to indicate whether the class should be applied or not.
- Let’s assume that we have a CSS class called bordered to add a dashed black border to an element:
- bordered { border: 1px dashed black; background-color: #eee; }
Now, add two div elements as one always has the bordered class and another one never has it:
- <div [ngClass]="{bordered: false}">This is never bordered</div>
- <div [ngClass]="{bordered: true}">This is always bordered</div>
To make a dynamic assignment, we can add a variable as the value for the object value, as in the following:
- <div [ngClass]="{bordered: isBordered}">
- Using object literal. Border {{ isBordered ? "ON" : "OFF" }}
- </div>
Second Approach
Second, we can define a classesObj object in our component:
- @Component({
- selector: 'app-ng-class-example',
- templateUrl: './ng-class-example.component.html'
- })
- export class NgClassExampleComponent implements OnInit {
- isBordered: boolean;
- classesObj: Object;
- classList: string[];
- constructor() {
- }
- ngOnInit() {
- this.isBordered = true;
- this.classList = ['red', 'round'];
- this.toggleBorder();
- }
- toggleBorder(): void {
- this.isBordered = !this.isBordered;
- this.classesObj = {
- bordered: this.isBordered
- };
- }
Use the object directly:
- <div [ngClass]="classesObj">
- Using object var. Border {{ classesObj.bordered ? "ON" : "OFF" }}
- </div>
Now, I believe you know the key important things about Built-in Directives, NgStyle, and NgClass in Angular.