Step 5
Once you start, it will ask you to create a new repository. So here, I am going to give the name 'VersionControlWebApp'. Add some sort of description.
Chose Public or Private on the basis of how you want to manage your repository and click the 'Create Repository' button.
Step 6
In the Code section, there is a 'Quick setup' link as shown below screen.
Step 7
Now, from your project, open Team Explorer - Synchronization, go to 'Push to Remote Repository', and paste the URL from GitHub (shown in step 6), and click on 'Publish'.
Step 8
Once you click, it will push your code branch to GitHub.
Step 9
After publishing, just log in to GitHub with your login credentials.
Step 10
Now, from Visual Studio, go to Team Explorer. There, you can see Changes, Branches, Sync, Settings options.
Step 11
Git will create a local repo as it's a distributed version control system. Now, open your Solution Explorer. It will show a small lock icon on each file, which means all the changes checked into the version control system.
Step 12
Let's make some changes to any file. Here, I am editing About.aspx file and adding 1 line.