VNet to VNet connection can be established between two Virtual Networks lying in different regions. Let us go ahead with the demo.
Step 1
Create two different resource groups in two different locations.
Step 2
Create two virtual networks, one in each of the resource group.
Step 3
Create Gatewaysubnets for VNetSouth. Click on Gateway Subnet and keep everything as default and click on OK.
Step 4
Similarly, create a gateway subnet for VNetWest.
Step 5
Create Virtual Network Gateway in the West India region for the West IndiaVNet.
Step 6
Similarly, create a Virtual Network Gateway for the South IndiaVNet in the South India Region.
Step 7
Now, in order to establish a connection between two Virtual Networks, we need to establish a connection between the two gateways.
Step 8
Go toVNetGateway South and click on the connections tab. Click on Add to add a connection.
Step 9
Give a name. Give the connection type. FirstVNet gateway will be fixed; i.e., the South one. The second gateway will be the West one. Give a shared key. And click on OK.
Step 10
Now, it has been created but it shows the status as unknown because we have not established a connection from the other gateway.
Step 11
Similarly, add a new connection to the other gateway as well.
Step 12
Here, you can see that in both the gateways’ connection blade, we can see that the connections are succeeded. However, when you open the connection tab, it might take some time to refresh the status.
Step 13
To look into how the traffic is going on between the two virtual networks, we need to set up two virtual machines, one in each of the virtual network.
Step 14
First, create a Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacentre VM in South India under its respective Resource Group. Rest everything keeps default according to the necessities.
Step 15
Similarly, create one more VM in West India region for its respective resource group.
Step 16
Once they are created, connect to both of them via the public IP i.e., through the RDP connection.
Step 17
Once they get connected, go to any of one of the VM and open the command prompt there. Then try pinging the other VM through it.
Step 18
Right now I am in mySouthVM and I ran the command ipconfig at its command prompt. I got the IPv4 address as
Step 19
Now, from myWestVM if I try to ping my SouthVM through the IP address, the request will get timed out. So for that, we need to turn off the firewall in the SouthVM.
Step 20
Inside the SouthVM, turn off the firewall options.
Step 21
Now, if we go and ping the SouthVM from the WestVM, it will reply perfectly.
Step 22
Similarly, you can turn off the firewall from the WestVM and ping it from the SouthVM as well and it will work fine.
Step 23
We can also go to the portal and see the VM overview to view the traffic exchanged from the VM.
Step 24
So, it can be concluded that both the VMs are connected; i.e., at the back, both the virtual networks are connected and the data traffic channel is working.