
Before SQL Server 2017 (SQL Server 2014 below), concatenating rows of strings into one column could be done using the STUFF function that combines with FOR XML PATH. However, in my opinion, it's quite messy.

In this article, we'll explore SQL's STRING_AAG function and see how we can concatenate rows of strings into one column string using a separator.

The examples provided will work with SQL Server 2017 and later.

Ok, let's get started.

What's SQL's STRING_AAG Function?

  • It is an aggregate function that concatenates strings into a single line separated by a separator.
  • The separator is not appended to the end of the result string.
  • This function was introduced into SQL Server 2017 and later.


STRING_AGG(string expression, separator) [order clause]
  • The string expression could be any type.
    • It can be converted into VARCHAR >or NVARCHAR during concatenation.
    • Non-string types are converted to NVARCHAR types.
  • The separator is used as a separator for the concatenated strings.
    • It can be literal or variable. Just remember it doesn't add itself at the end of the result string.
  • The order clause is the sort order of the result string using the WITHIN GROUP clause.


  • The expression can be used to sort results; only one expression is allowed per query.
    • The default order is ascending.


Before we show examples, the AdventureWorks database will be used for the first of our samples.

Using STRING_AGG First Example

To have an overview, the [Sales].[SalesOrderHeader] under the AdventureWorks database does have a [SalesOrderNumber] column.

And we wanted to show the list of different sales-order-number per customer by using the STRING_AGG function.

Ok, let's see the examples below.

SELECT CustomerID as [Customer ID],
       COUNT(CustomerID) as [Number Of Sales Order] , 
       STRING_AGG([SalesOrderNumber], ',') as [Sales Order List]       
FROM [AdventureWorks2019].[Sales].[SalesOrderHeader]

As you can see, with our query, we got the [CustomerID] column as our reference for a particular customer.

Then by knowing the number of its records, we can show the different sales-order numbers per record.

But, of course, using the STRING_AGG.

That's why we can come up with the query above.

Let's see the output below.



Now, for us to appreciate the WITHIN GROUP syntax when using STRING_AGG.

Let's look at the example below.

SELECT CustomerID as [Customer ID],
       COUNT(CustomerID) as [Number Of Sales Order], 
       STRING_AGG([SalesOrderNumber], ',') 
       WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY [SalesOrderNumber] DESC)  
       as [Sales Order List]
FROM [AdventureWorks2019].[Sales].[SalesOrderHeader]
GROUP BY  CustomerID



Now, let's try to see the difference between the two outputs.

Output Difference

Using STRING_AGG Second Example

In this section, I will try to give another example.

The idea is to get a particular customer's phone number; it seems easy, right?

Yap, let's show the code now and create the table structure.

Note: We'll use a local temporary table to avoid complexities of table structure.

Build the structure first.

-- 1. Let's create the tables needed.
IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#Customers') IS NOT NULL 
    DROP TABLE #Customers

CREATE TABLE #Customers(
    Id int,
    FirstName nvarchar(50),
    LastName nvarchar(50)

IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#CustomersPhone') IS NOT NULL 
    DROP TABLE #CustomersPhone

CREATE TABLE #CustomersPhone(   
    PhoneId int,
    UserId int, 
    PhoneNumber nvarchar(50)

Second, let's put some data on it.

-- 2. Let's put some data on it.

(1, 'Jin Vincent', 'Necesario'),
(2, 'Florian', 'Calzado')

INSERT INTO #CustomersPhone 
(1, 1, '+63 895 789 5751'),
(2, 1, '+63 795 689 5752'),
(3, 1, '+63 695 589 5753'),
(1, 2, '+63 915 739 5651'),
(2, 2, '+63 917 649 5552'),
(3, 2, '+63 095 559 5453');

Third, let's create a query that will show the customer's name, the number of phones they have, and their phone list separated by a comma.

-- 3. Let's show the number of phone and phone list a customer have.
SELECT CONCAT(C1.[LastName], ', ', C1.[FirstName]) as [FullName],
       COUNT(C1.Id) as [Total Phone Number],
       STRING_AGG (P1.[PhoneNumber], ',') as [Phone List] 
FROM #CustomersPhone P1 
INNER JOIN #Customers C1 ON P1.UserId = C1.Id
GROUP BY C1.Id, C1.[LastName], C1.[FirstName]


That's it, guys; I hope you enjoyed the examples.


In this article, we have discussed the following:

  • What's SQL's STRING_AAG Function?
  • Syntax
  • Syntax of WITHIN GROUP
  • Examples
    • Using STRING_AGG First Example (using Adventure Works database)
    • Using STRING_AGG Second Example (to get all the phone numbers of a particular customer)

Once again, I hope you have enjoyed reading this article/tutorial as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

Stay tuned for more. Until next time, happy programming!

Please don't forget to bookmark, like, and comment.

Cheers! And thank you!

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