SQL Join Methods: Cross Join vs. Comma-Separated Join

In SQL querying, join operations are crucial for combining data from multiple tables. Two common methods, cross-join and comma-separated join, serve this purpose but exhibit distinct behaviors. This article provides a concise comparison between these two join types, highlighting their differences in functionality, performance, and suitability for various scenarios. Understanding these nuances empowers SQL practitioners to write more efficient and effective queries tailored to their specific data requirements.

Cross join

A cross join is a Cartesian product of two tables, meaning it combines each row of the first table with every row of the second table. This can result in a large number of rows if both tables are sizable. It's represented by simply using the CROSS JOIN clause in SQL.


Cross join

This query will return a result set with all possible combinations of SalesOrderID from the SalesOrderHeader table and SalesOrderDetailID from the SalesOrderDetail table.

Comma-separated join

This seems to refer to a situation where you implicitly join tables by listing them with commas in the FROM clause, without specifying any join condition. This effectively creates a Cartesian product or cross join if no other join condition is provided. However, explicitly using CROSS JOIN is preferred for clarity and maintainability.


Comma separated join

This query returns the same result as cross-join.

In practice, it's generally better to use explicit join syntax (e.g., INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, etc.) rather than relying on comma-separated lists of tables for clarity and to avoid unintentional Cartesian products.

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