In this article, we are learning how to create dropdown with the help of Entity Framework from database. We will be using select-View. Let’s start.
Step 1
Firstly, we are creating a table in our database. Here, my table name is college.
The college table has two files named - collegeid and collegename.
Now, we have created select-view in database.
- CREATE VIEW [dbo].[schoolname] AS SELECT collegeId,collegename FROM [college]
Step 2
Let's go to Solution Explorer and here, we are going to create a Home controller. After that, select Model and right click.
Select Add >> New item.
After that, select the ADO.NET Entity Data Model and click on "Add" button.
Now, Entity Data Model Wizard is open. Select -> "The Generate from database" option and click Next.
Here, create a new connection and click on Next option.
Then, choose Entity Framework 5.0 and click Next.
Select Views ->stud_details and click on Finish button.
Here, check the college table and in View, we have checked our View with the name schoolname.
Now, our model is ready.
Step 3
Now, we are going to Controllers folder.
Create a home Controller. After that, open it and give reference of our Model.
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Web;
- using System.Web.Mvc;
- using Webtest1.Models;
- namespace Webtest1.Controllers
- {
- public class HomeController : Controller
- {
- demo2Entities1 ds = new demo2Entities1();
- public ActionResult Index()
- {
- return View();
- }
- }
Now, create the method with the name studins(). Here, we are calling the schoolname's View. Set the View bag which will carry the Data Controller to view page.
- public ActionResult Studins()
- {
- var items = ds.schoolnames.ToList();
- if(items!=null)
- {
- = items;
- }
- return View();
- }
And now, add new View.
Now, click on "Add" button. After that, your View is ready. And here, your dropdown list is created; bind it with View bag.
Compile your code and run it.
Now, you can see that the dropdown is simply ready!!!.