This is a simple login and register desktop application using Python 3.7 Tkinter and MySQL Database server. For MySQL, the database server XAMPP version 3.2.4 is used.
The latest version of XAMPP or MySQL Database server can be used.
Mysql.connector is used after downloading and installing it for connecting to the MySQL Database Server.
After running the application, the login window shown below opens up. This is where registered users can log in by entering username and password. A new user has to register to log in by clicking the NewUser!Register Button.
After clicking NewUser!Register Button Register window shown below opens where a new user can register himself. Then a Database named ‘User’ is created and a Table Named ‘User’ is created. Then a new User record is inserted in table ‘User’.
After clicking the ‘Register’ button below the message window shows up if registration is successful.
The registered user would come back to the ‘Login’ Window after clicking the ‘Back’ button. The login window opens, as shown below.
Then the registered user enters his registered username and password, as shown below.
If the entered username and password match the username and password stored in the database, then the successful login message pops up, as shown below.
Also, the successful login window as shown below opens up. If the ok button is clicked, then another login successful message box pops up.
If Exit Button is clicked to close the application then a confirmation Message box pops up and on clicking ‘yes’ button the application closes.
There is one Python file named created. The code written in it is shown below.
- connecting to the database using 'connect()'
- method
- db_connection = mysql.connector.connect(host = "localhost", user = "raichand70", password = "1America")
- In the above code snippet reader should change user and password to his username and password to connect to MySQL Database Server.
- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
- import tkinter as tk
- import tkinter.messagebox as mb
- import random
- import tkinter.ttk
- for connection to mysql database
- import mysql.connector
- method
- db_connection = mysql.connector.connect(host = "localhost", user = "raichand70", password = "1America")
- db_cursor = db_connection.cursor(buffered = True)
- return actual number of records selected otherwise would
- return -1
- class Login_Success_Window(tk.Toplevel): def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent)
- self.original_frame = parent
- self.geometry("250x250")
- self.title("Registration Successful")
- self.configure(background = "#ff80ff")
- self.lbl_Login_success = tk.Label(self, text = "Login Success", font = ("Helvetica", 15), bg = "yellow", fg = "blue")
- = 0.150, rely = 0.111, height = 21, width = 250)
- self.btn_register = tk.Button(self, text = "OK", font = ("Helvetica", 11), bg = "yellow", fg = "blue", command = self.delete_login_success)
- = 0.467, rely = 0.311, height = 21, width = 30)
- def delete_login_success(self): mb.showinfo('Information', "Login Successful " + str(username))
- self.destroy()
- class RegisterWindow(tk.Toplevel): def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent)
- self.original_frame = parent
- self.geometry("600x450+485+162")
- self.title("Register")
- self.configure(background = "#ff80ff")
- self.lblRegister = tk.Label(self, text = "Register", font = ("Helvetica", 16), bg = "yellow", fg = "blue")
- self.lblFName = tk.Label(self, text = "Enter FirstName:", font = ("Helvetica", 10), bg = "blue", fg = "yellow")
- self.lblLName = tk.Label(self, text = "Enter LastName:", font = ("Helvetica", 10), bg = "blue", fg = "yellow")
- self.lblLName = tk.Label(self, text = "Enter LastName:", font = ("Helvetica", 10), bg = "blue", fg = "yellow")
- self.lblUId = tk.Label(self, text = "Enter UserId:", font = ("Helvetica", 10), bg = "blue", fg = "yellow")
- self.lblPwd = tk.Label(self, text = "Enter Password:", font = ("Helvetica", 10), bg = "blue", fg = "yellow")
- self.lblContactNo = tk.Label(self, text = "Enter Contact No:", font = ("Helvetica", 10), bg = "blue", fg = "yellow")
- self.lblCity = tk.Label(self, text = "Enter City:", font = ("Helvetica", 10), bg = "blue", fg = "yellow")
- self.lblState = tk.Label(self, text = "Enter State:", font = ("Helvetica", 10), bg = "blue", fg = "yellow")
- self.txtFName = tk.Entry(self)
- self.txtLName = tk.Entry(self)
- self.txtUId = tk.Entry(self)
- self.txtPwd = tk.Entry(self)
- self.txtContact = tk.Entry(self)
- self.txtCity = tk.Entry(self)
- self.txtState = tk.Entry(self)
- self.btn_register = tk.Button(self, text = "Register", font = ("Helvetica", 11), bg = "yellow", fg = "blue", command = self.register)
- self.btn_cancel = tk.Button(self, text = "<-Back", font = ("Helvetica", 11), bg = "yellow", fg = "blue", command = self.onClose)
- = 0.467, rely = 0.111, height = 21, width = 100)
- = 0.318, rely = 0.2, height = 21, width = 100)
- = 0.319, rely = 0.267, height = 21, width = 100)
- = 0.355, rely = 0.333, height = 21, width = 78)
- = 0.319, rely = 0.4, height = 21, width = 100)
- = 0.310, rely = 0.467, height = 21, width = 105)
- = 0.375, rely = 0.533, height = 21, width = 66)
- = 0.369, rely = 0.6, height = 21, width = 70)
- = 0.490, rely = 0.2, height = 20, relwidth = 0.223)
- = 0.490, rely = 0.267, height = 20, relwidth = 0.223)
- = 0.490, rely = 0.333, height = 20, relwidth = 0.223)
- = 0.490, rely = 0.4, height = 20, relwidth = 0.223)
- = 0.490, rely = 0.467, height = 20, relwidth = 0.223)
- = 0.490, rely = 0.533, height = 20, relwidth = 0.223)
- = 0.490, rely = 0.6, height = 20, relwidth = 0.223)
- = 0.500, rely = 0.660, height = 24, width = 63)
- = 0.605, rely = 0.660, height = 24, width = 54)
- def register(self): if db_connection.is_connected() == False: db_connection.connect()
- db_cursor.execute("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS User")
- db_cursor.execute("use User")
- db_cursor.execute("Create table if not exists USER(uid VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,password VARCHAR(30),fname VARCHAR(30),lname VARCHAR(30),city VARCHAR(20),state VARCHAR(30),mobileno VARCHAR(10))")
- db_connection.commit()
- fname = self.txtFName.get()
- lname = self.txtLName.get()
- uid = self.txtUId.get()
- pwd = self.txtPwd.get()
- contact_no = self.txtContact.get()
- city = self.txtCity.get()
- state = self.txtState.get()
- if fname == "": mb.showinfo('Information', "Please Enter Firstname")
- self.txtFName.focus_set()
- return
- if lname == "": mb.showinfo('Information', "Please Enter Lastname")
- self.txtLName.focus_set()
- return
- if uid == "": mb.showinfo('Information', "Please Enter User Id")
- self.txtUId.focus_set()
- return
- if pwd == "": mb.showinfo('Information', "Please Enter Password")
- self.txtPwd.focus_set()
- return
- if contact_no == "": mb.showinfo('Information', "Please Enter Contact Number")
- self.txtContact.focus_set()
- return
- if city == "": mb.showinfo('Information', "Please Enter City Name")
- self.txtCity.focus_set()
- return
- if state == "": mb.showinfo('Information', "Please Enter State Name")
- self.txtState.focus_set()
- return
- db_cursor.execute("use User")
- query = "INSERT INTO User(uid,password,fname,lname,city,state,mobileno) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')" % (uid, pwd, fname, lname, city, state, contact_no)
- try:
- db_cursor.execute(query)
- mb.showinfo('Information', "Data inserted Successfully")
- for execution
- db_connection.commit()
- except: mb.showinfo('Information', "Data insertion failed!!!")
- case there is any error
- db_connection.rollback()
- db_connection.close()
- def onClose(self): ""
- ""
- ""
- self.destroy()
- class LoginApp(tk.Tk): def __init__(self): super().__init__()
- self.title("Login")
- self.geometry("600x450+351+174")
- self.configure(bg = "#ff8040")
- self.lblHeading = tk.Label(self, text = "Login", font = ("Helvetica", 16), bg = "yellow", fg = "blue")
- self.lbluname = tk.Label(self, text = "Enter UserName:", font = ("Helvetica", 10), bg = "blue", fg = "yellow")
- self.lblpsswd = tk.Label(self, text = "Enter Password:", font = ("Helvetica", 10), bg = "blue", fg = "yellow")
- self.txtuname = tk.Entry(self, width = 60)
- self.txtpasswd = tk.Entry(self, width = 60, show = "*")
- self.btn_login = tk.Button(self, text = "Login", font = ("Helvetica", 11), bg = "yellow", fg = "blue", command = self.login)
- self.btn_clear = tk.Button(self, text = "Clear", font = ("Helvetica", 11), bg = "yellow", fg = "blue", command = self.clear_form)
- self.btn_register = tk.Button(self, text = "NewUser!Register", font = ("Helvetica", 11), bg = "yellow", fg = "blue", command = self.open_registration_window)
- self.btn_exit = tk.Button(self, text = "Exit", font = ("Helvetica", 16), bg = "yellow", fg = "blue", command = self.exit)
- = 0.35, rely = 0.089, height = 41, width = 174)
- = 0.235, rely = 0.289, height = 21, width = 106)
- = 0.242, rely = 0.378, height = 21, width = 102)
- = 0.417, rely = 0.289, height = 20, relwidth = 0.273)
- = 0.417, rely = 0.378, height = 20, relwidth = 0.273)
- = 0.45, rely = 0.489, height = 24, width = 52)
- = 0.54, rely = 0.489, height = 24, width = 72)
- = 0.695, rely = 0.489, height = 24, width = 175)
- = 0.75, rely = 0.911, height = 24, width = 61)
- def open_registration_window(self): self.withdraw()
- window = RegisterWindow(self)
- window.grab_set()
- def open_login_success_window(self): self.withdraw()
- window = Login_Success_Window(self)
- window.grab_set()
- def show(self): ""
- ""
- ""
- self.update()
- self.deiconify()
- def login(self): if db_connection.is_connected() == False: db_connection.connect()
- db_cursor.execute("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS User")
- db_cursor.execute("use User")
- db_cursor.execute("create table if not exists USER(uid VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,password VARCHAR(30),fname VARCHAR(30),lname VARCHAR(30),city VARCHAR(20),state VARCHAR(30),mobileno VARCHAR(10))")
- db_connection.commit()
- try: global username
- username = str(self.txtuname.get())
- passwd = str(self.txtpasswd.get())
- if username == "": mb.showinfo('Information', "Please Enter Username")
- self.txtuname.focus_set()
- return
- if passwd == "": mb.showinfo('Information', "Please Enter Password")
- self.txtpasswd.focus_set()
- return
- print(username)
- print(passwd)
- query = "SELECT * FROM User WHERE uid = '" + username + "' AND password = '" + passwd + "'"
- print(query)
- db_cursor.execute(query)
- rowcount = db_cursor.rowcount
- print(rowcount)
- if db_cursor.rowcount == 1: mb.showinfo('Information', "Login Successfully")
- self.open_login_success_window()
- else :mb.showinfo('Information', "Login failed,Invalid Username or Password.Try again!!!")
- except:
- db_connection.disconnect()
- def clear_form(self): self.txtuname.delete(0, tk.END)
- self.txtpasswd.delete(0, tk.END)
- self.txtuname.focus_set()
- def exit(self): MsgBox = mb.askquestion('Exit Application', 'Are you sure you want to exit the application', icon = 'warning')
- if MsgBox == 'yes': self.destroy()
- if __name__ == "__main__": app = LoginApp()
- app.mainloop()
1. Tkinter GUI application development cookbook by Alejandro Rodas de Paz of Packt Publications
2.Home and Learn website for learning python language.
Suggestions for improvement are welcome.