SharePoint Online List JSON View Formatting - Video Thumbnail


In this article, we will explore how to customize the YouTube Video Thumbnail along with their details in tile view within a SharePoint list.

Without Formatting


With Formatting


Below are the steps to implement this.

Create a SharePoint list with 3 columns.

Type Internal Name Required
Single line of text Title Yes
Hyperlink or Picture URL Yes
Multiple lines of text Description Yes

Access the Json Editor interface to format using the following steps.

Video formatted

Below is the JSON code to format.

  "$schema": "",
  "hideSelection": true,
  "height": "300",
  "width": "300",
  "formatter": {
    "elmType": "div",
    "style": {
      "display": "flex",
      "align-items": "stretch",
      "margin-bottom": "16px",
      "min-width": "150px",
      "flex-grow": "1",
      "justify-content": "space-around",
      "padding": "8px",
      "text-align": "center",
      "color": "#333333"
    "children": [
        "elmType": "div",
        "style": {
          "width": "95%",
          "height": "100%",
          "box-shadow": "0px 1.6px 3.6px 0 #00000024, 0px 0.3px 0.9px 0 #00000024",
          "textalign": "centre",
          "overflow": "hidden",
          "border-radius": "2px"
        "attributes": {
          "class": "ms-bgColor-neutralLighterAlt"
        "children": [
            "elmType": "div",
            "style": {
              "display": "inline-block",
              "min-width": "200px"
            "children": [
                "elmType": "img",
                "attributes": {
                  "src": "='' + substring([$URL], indexOf([$URL],'v=')+2, 100) + '/mqdefault.jpg'"
                "style": {
                  "width": "100%",
                  "height": "200px"
                "children": [
                    "elmType": "a",
                    "txtContent": "[$Title]",
                    "attributes": {
                      "target": "_blank",
                      "href": "[$URL]"
                    "elmType": "div",
                    "txtContent": "[$Description]"


Enhancing the presentation of video thumbnails in SharePoint lists not only improves the visual appeal but also enhances user experience by providing additional details. By following the steps outlined in this article, users can easily customize the tile view to display video thumbnails with relevant information, thereby optimizing content organization and accessibility.

Enjoy Learning!