In this article I would like to explain about SharePoint 2016 Server Installation on Windows Server 2012.
SharePoint is a Powerful content management tool and Microsoft has spent more investing on this to improve further. Everyone knows SharePoint has got a new version to help developers. Yes! Developers don’t want to investigate more things on that.
Here I would like to remember SharePoint's Previous Versions,
- SharePoint 2007 - Every one remember as MOSS07
- SharePoint 2010 -This is the Most successful Version from our Microsoft.
- SharePoint 2013 -This is the game changer for all Content Management .
- SharePoint 2016 -This is the New Version and most expected one to recover complexity in SharePoint 2013.
Every one knows SharePoint 2016 is a server but it is not supporting our Windows 8 orWindows 10. Please don’t worry, I came here to help you..Truly you will love this way.
In this article, I will cover the below major theory.
- Virtual Machine Installation
- Windows Server 2012 installation
- Sql installation
- SharePoint 2016 Server Instalaltion
Step 1: Oracle Virtual Machine installation (VM Box)
Here I will explain about to install the Oracle VM ware Sotware instllation -- Hey guys you don’t worry this is the free version from oracle.
This is the path to download:
Follow my instructions with screenshot.
After you install the VM ware, Click New menu in the box
Give names you like and allocate the RAM for your server(Rec 5 gb and above),
Create a New Virtual Hard Now,
Allocate Separate Space for our Server recommended above 70 gb.
Then Start your server name and select your windows server image file.
Click Start:
Step 2: Windows Server 2012 R2 installation
Install your Windows Server 2012 R2,
Step 3 : SQL Instalaltion
Follow the below instructions to install the SQL Server 2012.
Check all the required files are installed successfully.
Select all features in the Features Selection,
Check all the Rules are configured successfully,
Please be patient to complete the SQL Installation ,it will take more then 15 mins to complete.
Step 4: SharePoint Server 2016 Installation
Download Your SharePoint 2016 Server in the below path,
SharePoint Server 2016 has been designed, developed, and tested with the Microsoft Software as a Service (SaaS) strategy at its core.
It is a 180 day trial version so you can use as the original like we can with do all updates. I think you will love it.
Click the Setup.exe file in sharepoint server 2016,
Before running the Install Options Check the other prerequisites and click the Install SharePoint Server ,
Click the Next Button,
Click Next after restart then download the security patch from Microsoft Download Center through this
Then Enter the Key/180 trial period to Proceed the next level,
Then Click the Install Now Button,
Then Click the SharePoint Installation wizard,
Click next button,
Enter the Database Server /Database Name,
Once you have completed the Database settings click next then enter the FARM settings page as mentioned in the below screenshot,
Then Choose the SharePoint 2016 Server role like standalone /Multiserver
Then you are almost done
Completing the SharePoint Configuration wizard,
Click Next,
Click Configure Wizard you will be redirecting the SharePoint page then enter the all admin related credentials and everything.
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