SharePoint 2013: BDC Configuration And Creating External Content Type And External List - Part One


In this article we will explore BDC Configuration in SharePoint 2013 with Secure Store Services, which involves Start of the Secure Store Service, Creation of Secure Store Service Application, External Content Type and External List.

Here we go step by step:

Start a secure store service

  1. In the Central Administration > System Settings > Manage Services on server.

  2. In the Services List, Click Start next to the Business Data connectivity Service and Secure Store Service.

Generate New Key

  1. In the Central Administration > Application Management > Manage service applications.

  2. Click the Secure Store service application.

  3. In the Key Management section, click Generate New Key.

  4. On the Generate New Key page, type the Pass Phrase, and type the same string in the Confirm Pass Phrase and click OK. This pass phrase is used to encrypt the Secure Store database.

Create a new secure store service application

  1. In the Central Administration > Application Management > Manage service applications > Secure Store Service.

  2. In the Manage Target Application section, click on New

  3. On creating a new page Enter your Target Application ID, Display Name, Contact E-mail, select your Target Application Type, Target Application Page URL and click Next.

  4. Select Field Type: Windows User Name for Field Name: Windows User Name & Field Type: Windows Password for Field Name: Windows Password and click Next.

  5. Now give the appropriate users for Target Application Administrators and Members and click OK.

  6. The newly created Secure Store Application ID will be displayed on the page select the Secure Store Service Application ID and click Set in the Credentials Section.

  7. To Set the Credentials Give the Windows Username, Windows Password, Confirm Your Entered Password and click OK

Note: In the Windows Username and Windows Password use the credentials of the user who has access to SQL Server Database you want to use.


In this Part we have explored the configuration of Secure Store Service. In Part-2 of this article we will explore BDC with Creation of External Content Type and External List.