This article discusses NuGet and how to set up a private NuGet feed in Visual Studio.
This is the structure of this article:
- Introduction
- What is NuGet
- Introduction to NuGet
- The flow of Packages between Creators, Hosts, and Consumers
- NuGet Tools
- Adding Private NuGet Feed to Visual Studio
- Setup with NuGet Package Manager
- Setup with NuGet CLI
- Create and Publish a NuGet Package Using Visual Studio
- Summary
A - What is NuGet?
- NuGet is the package manager for .NET.
- The NuGet client tools provide the ability to produce and consume packages.
- The NuGet Gallery is the central package repository used by all package authors and consumers.
A-2: The Flow of Packages between Creators, Hosts, and Consumers
A-3: NuGet tools
B - Adding Private NuGet Feed to Visual Studio
NuGet supports private hosts alongside the public host, you can use NuGet packages to share code that's exclusive to an organization or a workgroup. You can also use NuGet packages as a convenient way to factor your own code for use in nothing but your own projects.
We will demo this by adding the Telerik NuGet Feed to Visual Studio [1][2].
B-1: Setup with NuGet Package Manager
Open Visual Studio.
Go to Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Settings, select Package Manager Sources, and then click the + button.
Choose feed Name, set the feed URL to:, and click OK.
Create or load your project.
Go to Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Manage NuGet Packages for a solution.
In the upper right-hand corner of the Manage Packages for Solution window, select the Telerik Package source that you just added.
Choose the Online / Browse list of packages (depending on your VS version).
Enter your Telerik credentials in the Windows Authentication dialog (e.g., user: [email protected] and password: myPassPhraseForTelerikDotCom).
Enter your credentials only once by selecting the Remember my password checkbox.
Figure 2: Enter your credentials to access the Telerik NuGet feed:
Now all the packages that are licensed (paid or trial) to the above users are available in the Visual Studio NuGet Package manager.
B-2: Setup with NuGet CLI
Download the latest NuGet executable.
Open a Command Prompt and change the path to the nuget.exe location.
The command from the example below stores a token in the %AppData%\NuGet\NuGet.config file. Your original credentials cannot be obtained from this token.
NuGet Sources Add -Name "" -Source "" ^
-UserName "your login email" -Password "your password"
If you are unable to connect to the feed by using encrypted credentials, try the alternative approach of storing credentials in cleartext.
NuGet Sources Add -Name "" -Source "" ^
-UserName "your login email" -Password "your password" ^
If you have already stored a token instead of storing the credentials as clear text, you could update the definition in the %AppData%\NuGet\NuGet.config file using the following command,
NuGet Sources Update -Name "" -Source "" ^
-UserName "your login email" -Password "your password" ^
C - Create and Publish a NuGet Package Using Visual Studio
This should be part of the topic, but I personally have not had practice. So, I give a link for this topic, anybody needs it, you can go to it:
The discussion in this article, actually, is due to my adding the Telerik private NuGet to Visual Studio. While I failed by using Setup with NuGet Package Manager by whatever reason, I made it by using the tool NuGet executable to Setup with NuGet CLI,
Then, I got,