
Set operations allow the results of multiple queries to be combined into a single result set. Set operators include,

Four Set Operators

  • UNION. Combine two or more result sets into a single set without duplicates.
  • UNION ALL. Combine two or more result sets into one set, including all duplicates.
  • INTERSECT. It takes the data from both result sets, which are in common.
  • EXCEPT. Takes the data from the first result set, but not the second (i.e., no matching to each other)

Rules on Set Operations

  • The result sets of all queries must have the same number of columns.
  • In every result set, the data type of each column must match the data type of its corresponding column in the first result set.
  • An ORDER BY clause should be part of the last statement to sort the result.
  • The records from the top query must match the positional ordering of the records from the bottom query.
  • The first select statement must find out the column names or aliases.

Demo. Set up Table and initial Data

Create a table for Students with two columns: id, name

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Students](  
    [Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,  
    [Name] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL  
    [Id] ASC  

Create a table of Teachers with two columns: id, name 

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Teachers](  
    [Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,  
    [Name] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,  
    [Id] ASC  

Insert initial Data

insert dbo.Students    
Values ('Greg'),    
insert into dbo.Teachers    
Values ('Greg'),    

The result will be,

Set Operator. UNION

SELECT * FROM Students  
SELECT * FROM Teachers 

Resut set will combine two result sets into a single set, without duplicates.

Venn diagram

Set Operator. UNION ALL

SELECT * FROM Students  
SELECT * FROM Teachers 

Resut set will combine two or more result sets into a single set, including all duplicates.

Venn diagram

Set Operator: INTERSECT

SELECT * FROM Students  
SELECT * FROM Teachers 

Resut set will take the data from both result sets, which are in common.

Venn diagram

Set Operator: EXCEPT

SELECT * FROM Students  
SELECT * FROM Teachers 

The Resut set will take the data from the first result set but not the second.

Venn diagram

Note. Oracle Set Operator: MINUS == EXCEPT  (SQL Server


This article efficiently helps me to understand the set operators: UNION, UNION ALL, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT in SQL.

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