- ```
- --- CODE BLOCK ---
- ```
Optionally you can also set the language as
- ```language
- --- CODE BLOCK ---
- ```
language can be javascript, bash, etc.
For Example,
Add the following sample code block in getting-started-with-scully.md file
- ```javascript
- import { ScullyConfig } from '@scullyio/scully';
- export const config: ScullyConfig = {
- projectRoot: "./src",
- projectName: "portfolio",
- outDir: './dist/static',
- routes: {
- '/blog/:slug': {
- type: 'contentFolder',
- slug: {
- folder: "./blog"
- }
- },
- }
- };
- ```
Now take a Scully build and serve the Scully static server with
npm run scully && npm run scully:serve
As you can see it generates the code block with preformatted code, but it doesn't have any syntax highlighting.
Adding Syntax Highlighting Feature
Scully has a markdown plugin, which transforms markdown files to HTML files at the time of Scully build. This plugin provides an option to enable syntax highlighting at the time of Scully build.
As you can see below, We will use the setPluginConfig function to configure plugins. set enableSyntaxHighlighting to true in the markdown plugin to enable syntax highlighting.
- import { ScullyConfig, setPluginConfig } from '@scullyio/scully';
- setPluginConfig('md', { enableSyntaxHighlighting : true});
- export const config: ScullyConfig = {
- projectRoot: "./src",
- projectName: "portfolio",
- outDir: './dist/static',
- routes: {
- '/blog/:slug': {
- type: 'contentFolder',
- slug: {
- folder: "./blog"
- }
- },
- }
- };
Scully internally uses
Prism.js for code block syntax highlighting. We need to import its styles in our styles.css file as below
- @import '~prismjs/plugins/toolbar/prism-toolbar.css';
- @import '~prismjs/themes/prism-tomorrow';
Great !!! We are done with the implementation, Now take and build and test it.
Final Output
Take a new build of the angular app, as we have made changes in styles.css, then take a Scully build and start the static server using the following commands
- ng build --prod
- npm run scully
- npm run scully:serve
Now check the blog in which you have added code snippets / code blocks :
Great !!! Our code block syntax is highlighted ✨
In this article, We have seen how to add a syntax highlighting feature for the markdown code block in a blog made with Scully.
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