Schedule Automatic Shut Down In Windows 10


How to set up the task scheduler used to Schedule Automatic Shut Down in Windows 10. I will provide step-by-step with screenshots below.

Step 01

Go to windows search bar to search task scheduler

Schedule Automatic Shut Down Windows 10

Step 02

Next create Basic Task

Schedule Automatic Shut Down Windows 10

Step 03

Create a Basic Task, enter the Task Name and click Next

Schedule Automatic Shut Down Windows 10

Step 04

Trigger selected one task to start and click Next

Schedule Automatic Shut Down Windows 10

Step 05

Next select date and Time and click Next

Schedule Automatic Shut Down Windows 10

Step 06

Action select task to perform and click Next

Schedule Automatic Shut Down Windows 10

Step 07

Now click Browse button to open Auto shutdown script 

Schedule Automatic Shut Down Windows 10

Go to c: > Windows >System32 > Shutdown.exe and click open 

Schedule Automatic Shut Down Windows 10

Add Arguments option will make the computer to shutdown after prompt

Type -s -t 300 where 300 is the second in 5 minutes 

Note: delay time should be entered in seconds, not in minutes or Hours 

Click Next

Schedule Automatic Shut Down Windows 10

Step 08

Click Finish button 

Schedule Automatic Shut Down Windows 10

Successfully created automatic shut down task

Schedule Automatic Shut Down Windows 10

Schedule Automatic Shut Down Windows 10


This article taught us how to set up Schedule Automatic Shut Down Windows 10. If you have any questions, please contact me

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