Power BI Integration with Azure


You can transform data processing efforts into analytics and reports for timely information that helps your organization by combining Azure services with Power BI. The connectivity and integration capabilities of Azure Power BI make it possible to create sophisticated business solutions. To link Power BI to Azure services, no programming is required.

The following Azure services are compatible with Power BI.

  • Azure SQL Database
  • Stream Analytics
  • Azure ML
  • Azure Event Hub
  • Azure Storage
  • Azure HDInsight

Power BI Integration with Azure

Log in to the Azure portal.

Select In the Azure Portal, create a resource.

Azure Service

Then hit enter to search for Azure SQL.

Azure Service create a resource

Select Create.

When you select to use SQL deployment, select the resource type as Single Database and click Create since you need to build SQL databases.

Power BI integration with Azure

After that, enter the required information by choosing a resource group, setting up a server for the database, selecting review and create, and then selecting create.

Power BI integration with Azure

Power BI integration with Azure

Be sure to configure the resources first to avoid being charged more. Click on apply after keeping the compute tier serverless and reducing the data maximum size as necessary.

Power BI integration with Azure

Azure Service

After that, you must configure the server firewall so that Power BI can access the database's data. As in the instance, select the Set Server Firewall option.


Click "add client IP" and then "save."

Firewall Rules

The SQL database will then receive some data additions. Go to your SQL database and select query editor to do that. Enter the login information you created while creating the database server.


Let's add and execute a basic query.

Azure Service

Adding data to the table is the following procedure. Choose the dbo.Students table Click on Create New Row to add rows.

Azure Service

We currently have the data in the SQL database. We will now use Power BI to visualize the data.

As seen below, select the Power BI option under the Power platform.

When you click Get Started, the pbids file will be downloaded.

Azure Service

The Power BI desktop program will launch when you double-click the pbi file. Under Database, it will request the username and password. The username and password you used when setting up the database server should be entered.

Power BI integration with Azure

To preview the data, click Students, then load since we have provided a few sample numbers under the Students table.

Power BI integration with Azure

You'll notice that we added rows to the Student's table.

Power BI integration with Azure

Check only the address, grades, and Id. This data will be used to produce a graphic. From the visualization area, as seen below, you can select any visualization.

Power BI integration with Azure


In this article, we learned How to do the Integration with Azure Power BI; in our next article, we will learn about Power BI 2023 Feature Summary.

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