Power Automate URL Changes


Recently, I received a query from a citizen developer about a message that showed in the Power Automate home page. They wondered whether they need to worry about this or not.

Power Automate URL Changes

Generally, I am not used to reading the warnings posted by Microsoft on home page of Power Platform applications, but as this was a query, I needed to look into it. I found that this might not be much to worry about on the first reading.


As it suggests in the message as well, when you click on the “Learn More” link, you will read similar information, that Microsoft is changing the URL of Power automate from “https://flow.micrsoft.com” to “https://make.powerautomate.com”.

Also, it is mentioned in the article that once the changes are complete, Microsoft will route all the traffic request to the new URL and users will be redirect to new URL. However, they suggest if they can update their bookmark, it would be useful to change it to a new URL.

Below are the new URL details provided by Microsoft:

# Existing Power Automate URL New Power Automate URL
1 *.flow.microsoft.com *.powerautomate.com
2 flow.microsoft.com make.powerautomate.com
For US Government Customers
1 gov.flow.microsoft.us make.gov.powerautomate.us
2 high.flow.microsoft.us make.high.powerautomate.us
3 flow.appsplatform.us make.powerautomate.appsplatform.us
For China Customers
1 powerautomate.cn make.powerautomate.cn

But I read it twice more to understand the impact on bigger scale, and it is actually a big change. Let’s say you have an IT administrator who has added IP config rules and does not allow any other URL without prior approval to the network. This would break any flows running because the request would be coming from new site and the request will be blocked.

This scenario can happen to Gateway connections especially, as they can be configured to interact with your local cloud. It will also affect to US Government customers, as it has strict URL policies.

So, how do you know you will be affected by it or not?

There is a paragraph where Microsoft has mentioned that the image in the beginning of the post will be in red if you are affected. This means you will be facing errors in your flow once the URL change will be implemented.

The following table lists the services to which Power Automate connects. Ensure none of these services are blocked on your network.

Domains Protocols Uses
management.azure.com https Access to the Azure Resource Manager.
https Access to authentication and authorization endpoints.
graph.microsoft.com https Access to Microsoft graph - for getting user information such as a profile photo.
*.azure-apim.net https Access to the Runtime for Connectors.
*.flow.microsoft.com https Access to the Power Automate site.
*.powerautomate.com https Access to Power Automate site.
*.powerapps.com https Access to the Power Apps site.
*.azureedge.net https Access to the Power Automate CDN.
nps.onyx.azure.net https Access to NPS (Net Promoter Score).
webshell.suite.office.com https Access to Office for header and search. Please see the Office 365 urls and ranges for more details.
*.dynamics.com https Access to Dataverse tables
go.microsoft.com https Access to the Power Automate to check for updates
download.microsoft.com https Access to the Power Automate to check for updates
login.partner.microsoftonline.cn https Access to the Power Automate for desktop cloud discovery

It is not certain that you will see red flags on Power Automate home, as per my understanding. Whether or not you do depends on the Microsoft and your company agreement. If your company has not provided access to your network detection, you may not see this red flag.

For more details, please refer to the below link:

This change is scheduled for the end of June, as per the article. Microsoft has only initiated it for new sites yett. But, once they release the changes, sooner or later they will block the old URL. Before that, Microsoft might change the color of the banner or shoot an email thread. If you want to be prepared, you can perform the check on IP configuration. If you still face issues, you can always generate a ticket with Microsoft for the same.



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