Partial Methods In C#

What are Partial Methods In C#?

Ready has the concept of partial classes in C#, but I never knew that we can also have Partial Methods. Yes, we can have Partial Methods in C#. This concept also uses the Partial keyword but there are some restrictions/guidelines with the use of the Partial Methods.

public partial class ClassA
    public void SetSalary()
        // Perform other functionality here
    partial void SetData()
        Console.Write("This is a partial method.");

Here is a list of attributes of a partial method.

  1. A partial method can only be created in partial classes or partial structs.
  2. In order to create a partial method, it must be declared first(like an abstract method), with a signature only and no definition. After it is declared, its body can be defined in the same component or a different component of the partial class/struct .
  3. A partial method is implicitly private. It cannot have any other access modifier.
  4. A partial method can only have a void return type.

Let's see how we can create a partial method. We start by creating a partial class ClassA and add a partial method declaration.

public partial class ClassA  
       partial void GetData();  

Now, create the second component of the partial class ClassA and add the implementation of the partial method. 

public partial class ClassA
    partial void SetData()
        // Perform functionality here

In order to test the partial method, we add another method and call this private method inside this newly created method.

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        ClassA cls = new ClassA();
public partial class ClassA
    partial void SetData();

public partial class ClassA
    public void SetSalary()
        // Perform other functionality here

    partial void SetData()
        Console.Write("This is a partial method.");
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        ClassA cls = new ClassA();
public partial class ClassA
    partial void SetData();
public partial class ClassA
    public void SetSalary()
        // Perform other functionality here
    partial void SetData()
        Console.Write("This is a partial method.");

Run the code and see the result. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Happy coding.

Next. Partial Classes in C#

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