Our LEDs start blinking by making a pulse.
Conclusion (http://www.tothenew.com/blog/iot-and-nodejs/)
The devices like sensors, beacons, transmitters, motors have a tendency to generate a large volume of data thereby generating a large number of requests; Node.js is well equipped to handle these requests through the streams.
Streams offer both readable and writable channels, which helps in piping the request to the destination without temporarily storing the data. Streams are basically Unix pipes and can directly connect to the destination.
Key features of any IoT driven Application are collecting data, communicating, analyzing, and acting. Node js makes a perfect partner for all the features given above.
Sockets and MQTT protocol are well suited for Node. js, which is generally used for continuous data transmission in an IoT Application.
IoT-Application cable boards, such as Intel Edison, BeagleBone Black, and Raspberry Pi can easily install Node. js as a programming environment. Node. js comes with npm Package Manager, which contains many useful IoT modules, which can be used for the rapid and robust Application development.
Node.js is known for its speed, scalability, and efficiency, making it a key player for data-intensive real-time applications. This makes Node. js well suited for IoT, which relies on the data-intensive real-time traffic.
IoT devices' commands are generally written in low-level languages like C and C++, which are difficult to learn. Node. js comes with the power of JavaScript, which is pretty easy to learn and understand.
Node.js is an open-source community and npm (Node Package Manager) contains more than 80 for Arduino controllers, Raspberry Pi, Intel IoT Edison. It contains more than 30 packages for different sensors and Bluetooth devices.
These modules make application development fast and easy. RethinkDB is an open-source distributed JSON document database with a pleasant and powerful query language.
The developer can tell the database to continuously push the updated query results to the Applications in realtime. RethinkDB allows the developer to build scalable realtime apps in a fraction of the time with few engineering resources.
In this course, you learned how to use these features to get started on your own real-time apps.