.NET 8 Keyed Services in Dependency Injection


.NET 8 Introduced Keyed Services in DI (Dependency Injection).

This feature allows the registration of multiple implementations of the same Interface within DI using a key.

The below methods are used for registering in Program.cs.

  • AddKeyedSingleton
  • AddKeyedScoped
  • AddKeyedTransient


1. Defining Interface


using System;
namespace KeyedServices.Abstract
    public interface ISample
        public void Display();

2. Defining classes


using KeyedServices.Abstract;

namespace KeyedServices
    public class Sample1 : ISample
        public Sample1()

        public void Display()
            Console.WriteLine("Display from Sample 1");
// Sample2.cs

using KeyedServices.Abstract;

namespace KeyedServices
    public class Sample2 : ISample
        public Sample2()

        public void Display()
            Console.WriteLine("Display from Sample 2");

3. Registering Dependecies and Calling - Program.cs

using KeyedServices;
using KeyedServices.Abstract;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

public class Program
    // Program.cs
    public static void Main(string[] args)

        var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection()
                    .AddKeyedSingleton<ISample>("Sample1", new Sample1())
                    .AddKeyedSingleton<ISample>("Sample2", new Sample2())

        var sample1 = serviceProvider.GetKeyedService<ISample>("Sample1");

        var sample2 = serviceProvider.GetKeyedService<ISample>("Sample2");

        // Calling Sample 1 instance.

        // Calling Sample 2 instance.


4. Result

Output image


keyed Services provide a valuable addition to the DI system. This provides a flexible approach to dependency injection.

Github Link: Keyed-Services (github.com)

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