In this article, we will discuss and solve the issue of missing Security Setting in PWA Settings in Project Server 2016 / 2013.
In PWA Settings, you can't find the Security Settings as shown below.
This issue occurs because the current PWA Instance Permission Mode is SharePoint Permission Mode, and the Security section is only activated in the Project Permission Mode.
Note - In SharePoint Permission Mode,
- You cannot edit the default permissions assigned to any of these SharePoint groups.
- You cannot create additional custom groups.
- You cannot create additional custom categories.
- There is no (Resource Breakdown Structure) RBS filtering.
- The user delegation feature is not available.
- The Impersonation is not available.
Project Server 2016: SharePoint Permission Mode Vs Project Permission Mode.
SolutionTo show the Security section in PWA settings, you should activate the Project Permission Mode via Powershell by running
"Set-SPProjectPermissionMode" cmdlet.
Before you decide to switch from one Permission Mode to another, you should be aware that all the current activated Permission Mode configuration settings will be deleted and can't be restored.
- Open SharePoint Management Shell as Administrator.
- Switch to the new Permission Mode by running the Set-SPProjectPermissionMode cmdlet as the following,
- Set-SPPRojectPermissionMode -Url 'PWA URL' -AdministratorAccount 'domain\adminaccount' -Mode ProjectServer
- Go back to the PWA Setting, The Security Section should be now shown.
Applies To
- Project Server 2013.
- Project Server 2016.
In this article, we have solved the issue of Missing Security Section in PWA Settings in Project Server 2016 / 2013.
See Also