Microsoft Office 2013 UI Design In C# - Visual Studio

We all have used Microsoft Office 2013. It provides great visual appearance of its UI design, so let's build that. First you have to customize your form.

See the following article to customize Windows Forms in C# in very easy steps 
  • Customizing Windows Forms In C# 
    Once you have customized your form, you need controls like Tabs, that Office provides.

    See the following article to create your own TabControl in C#
Download the source code to view complete code for Word,PowerPoint,Excel etc. Office provides a drop down list of items. See the following article to create a DropDownControl in C#
Here are the screenshots of the UI design applications of word, powerpoint, excel.
Download the C# code 

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The screenshots for excel is the same as above with green color.
Everyone like a dark colored application.So we can design this application in the way you want.

So let's build a dark colored Office Word.


Download the C# code

Here are the screenshots of it.

Download the source code for all

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