In DevOps, Here's an updated architecture for a web application with five microservices that need to be reliable, scalable, secure, and incorporate CI/CD pipelines. We are using HPA, and VPA for autoscaling.
- Authentication Service (AuthS)
- User Profile Service (UPS)
- Product Catalog Service (PCS)
- Shopping Cart Service (SCS)
- Order Management Service (OMS)
- Payment Gateway Service (PGS)
- Inventory Management Service (IMS)
| Load Balancer |
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| AuthS | UPS |
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| PCS | SCS |
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| OMS | PGS |
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| IMS |
Technology Stack
- Containerization: Docker
- Orchestration: Kubernetes
- Programming Languages
- Java/Spring Boot for AuthS, UPS, PCS, SCS, OMS
- Node.js/Express for PGS
- Python/Flask for IMS
- Databases
- Relational: MySQL (AuthS, UPS, PCS)
- NoSQL: MongoDB (SCS, OMS, IMS)
- Time-series: InfluxDB (PGS)
- APIs
- RESTful APIs for microservices communication
- GraphQL API Gateway for client-side communication
- Security
- OAuth 2.0 for authentication
- JWT for authorization
- SSL/TLS encryption
- Regular security audits and penetration testing
- Monitoring and Logging
- Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring
- ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) for logging
CI/CD Pipeline
- Version control: GitLab
- Continuous Integration: Jenkins
- Continuous Deployment: Kubernetes
- Automated testing: JUnit, PyUnit, and Cypress
- Code analysis: SonarQube
- Security scanning: OWASP ZAP
CI/CD Tools
- GitLab CI/CD
- Jenkins
- Kubernetes
- Docker
Security Measures
- Network policies to restrict communication between microservices
- Secret management with HashiCorp Vault
- Regular security updates and patches
- Intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS)
- Web Application Firewall (WAF) for protection against common web attacks
- Horizontal pod autoscaling (HPA) for each microservice
- Vertical pod autoscaling (VPA) for each microservice
- Load balancing and routing with Kubernetes Ingress
- Caching mechanisms (e.g., Redis) for frequently accessed data
- Scalable architecture
- Secure microservices communication
- Automated testing and deployment
- Improved monitoring and logging
- Enhanced security measures