Messaging In Microsoft Azure Service Bus

Azure Service Bus 

A message broker with message queues and publish-subscribe topics is fully managed. These features make it more useful to decouple applications and services from each other.

Advantages of Microsoft Azure Service Bus

  • Load-balancing work across contending workers.
  • Securing routing and transferring data and control across service and application limits.
  • Coordinating transactional work that requires a high degree of reliability
Data is communicated between various applications and services using messages. A message is a compartment improved with metadata and contains information. The data can be any sort of information, including structured data encoded with the basic configurations like these: JSON, XML, Apache Avro, Plain Text.

Messaging Scenarios

Transferring business data, for example, deals or purchase orders, journals, or inventory movements.
Decouple applications
Improve your quality, authenticity, and versatility of applications and services. Producers and consumers don't need to be on the web or promptly accessible simultaneously. The load is evened out to such an extent that traffic spikes don't exhaust and overtax a service.
Load Balancing
Consider different competing shoppers to peruse from a queue simultaneously, each securely getting exclusive ownership to specific messages.
Topics and subscriptions
Empower 1:n connections among publishers and subscribers, permitting subscribers to select specific messages from a published message stream.
Permits you to complete a few operations, all to the extent of an atomic transaction. For instance, the accompanying operations should be possible in the scope of a transaction,
  • Get a message from one queue.
  • Put results of processing on at least one queue.
  • Move the input message from the original queue.
The outcomes become apparent to downstream consumers just upon progress, including the effective settlement of input message, taking into account once-just processing semantics. This transaction model is a powerful foundation establishment for the design of the compensating transaction in the more noteworthy solution context.

Message sessions

Execute high-scale coordination of workflows and multiplexed transfers that require strict message requesting or message deferral.
What makes Azure Service Bus different from other messaging brokers?
  • Placing logs and managing disk space
  • Dealing with backups
  • Keeping the operating systems or the products patched
  • Worrying about hardware failures
  • Failing over to a reserve machine
Consistency with standards and protocols
The essential wire protocol for Service Bus is Advanced Messaging Queuing Protocol (AMQP) 1.0, an open ISO/IEC standard. It permits clients to compose applications that neutralize Service Bus and on-premises brokers like ActiveMQ or RabbitMQ. Service Bus Premium is completely consistent with the Java/Jakarta EE Java Message Service (JMS) 2.0 API. Also, Service Bus Standard backings the JMS 1.1 subset focusing on queues. JMS is a typical abstraction for message facilitates and incorporates with numerous applications and systems, including the well-known Spring framework.

Concepts and Terminology

A namespace is a compartment for all messaging parts. Various queues and topics can be in one namespace, and namespaces regularly fill in as application containers.
Service Bus is “serverless” messaging.
Messages are sent and received from queues. Queues store messages until the getting application is accessible to receive and deal with them.
Messages in queues are requested and timestamped on appearance. Once acknowledged by the dealer, the message is constantly held solidly in triple-repetitive capacity, spread across accessibility zones if the namespace is zone-empowered. Administration Bus never leaves messages in memory or volatile storage after they've been accounted for to the client as acknowledged.
Messages are delivered in pull mode, possibly conveying messages when mentioned. Not at all like the busy-polling model of some other cloud queues, the pull operation can be long-lived and just complete once a message is accessible.
Topics can be used to send and get messages. While a queue is regularly utilized for point-to-point correspondence, topics are helpful in publishing/subscribe in situations. Topics can have various, autonomous subscriptions, which connect to the topic and in any case work precisely like lines from the recipient side. A subscriber of a point can get a duplicate of each message sent off that topic. Subscriptions are named entities. Subscriptions are durable by default, yet can be arranged to lapse and consequently erased.
By means of the JMS API, Service Bus Premium additionally permits you to make volatile subscriptions that exist for the term of the association.
You can characterize rules on a subscription. A subscription rule has a channel to characterize a condition for the message to be copied into the subscription and a discretionary activity that can adjust message metadata. This element is helpful in the accompanying situations,
  • You don't need a subscription to get all messages shipped off a topic.
  • You need to increase messages with additional metadata when they go through a subscription.

Advanced features

Service Bus incorporates advanced features that empower you to tackle more complex messaging issues. These features are,
Message sessions
Sessions should be taken care of in high-availability Systems as they ensure the making of first-in, first-out (FIFO) not only this it also empowers selective request handling of unbounded sequences of related messages. These message sessions also allow storing session state which permits the session to safely move between handlers.
Auto forwarding
Moving messages from a queue or subscription to a target queue or topic can be done by using the auto-forwarding feature of Service Bus which helps in chaining a queue or subscription to another queue or topic inside the same namespace. These moves can be done conditionally.
Dead-letter queue
Dead-letter queue (DLQ) is associated with all queues and topic subscriptions. A DLQ holds messages that have the following features,
  • Not delivered successfully to any of the recipients.
  • They timed out.
  • Sidelined by the receiving application exclusively.
Messages in the dead-letter queue are the reason why they've been placed there. A special endpoint is there in a dead-letter queue otherwise it is like any regular queue. Browsing a DLQ or de queue can be done from an application or tool. You can also auto-forward out of a dead-letter queue.
Scheduled delivery
You can schedule your messages also by submitting messages to a queue or topic for deferred processing. This setting will use messages when scheduled and these scheduled messages can be cancelled also.
Message deferral
Recovery of a received message can be delayed by a queue or subscription customer. The customer also has to wait till it gets another message as the message may have been posted out of normal order. Delayed messages stay in the queue or subscription and can be reactivated using a service-assigned sequence numbers.
Collecting a bunch of messages and transferring them together to save bandwidth or to increase throughput can be done using batching to empower a queue or topic customer.
A message entity can be a queue, topic, or subscription. Service Bus allows bunching operations against multiple messaging entities up to an extent of one transaction. These transactions assemble at least two operations into an execution scope.
Autodelete on idle
Before automatically deleting a queue or topic subscription, Autodelete on idle allows you to indicate an idle interval. The minimum duration is 5 minutes.
Duplicate detection
A sender can resend a similar message again and the broker can drop a potential duplicate by using the duplicate detection feature.
Geo-disaster recovery
During the time when the Azure region is facing downtime, the feature of disaster recovery helps in data processing to continue operating in a different region or data center. Structural mirroring of a namespace available in the secondary region along with allowing the namespace identity to switch to the secondary namespace. The previous primary namespace has already posted messages for recovering the accessibility of episode subsides.
Service Bus upholds standard AMQP 1.0 and HTTP or REST protocols and their particular security facilities, including transport-level security (TLS). Customers can be approved for access using Shared Access Signature or Azure Active Directory role-based security. For assurance against unwanted traffic, Service Bus gives security highlights like IP firewall and incorporation with virtual networks.
Client Libraries
Completely supported Service Bus client libraries are accessible by means of the Azure SDK.
  • Azure Service Bus for .NET
  • Azure Service Bus libraries for Java
  • Azure Service Bus provider for Java JMS 2.0
  • Azure Service Bus Modules for JavaScript and TypeScript
  • Azure Service Bus libraries for Python
Azure Service Bus' essential protocol is AMQP 1.0 and it very well may be utilized from any AMQP 1.0 agreeable protocol client. A few open-source AMQP customers have tests that unequivocally exhibit Service Bus interoperability.
Apache Qpid Proton-J
Azure uAMQP C, Apache Qpid Proton-C
Azure uAMQP for Python, Apache Qpid Proton Python
Azure uAMQP for PHP
Apache Qpid Proton Ruby
Azure Go AMQP, Apache Qpid Proton Go

Service Bus completely coordinates with numerous Microsoft and Azure services, for example,
  • Event Grid
  • Logic Apps
  • Azure Functions
  • Power Platform
  • Dynamics 365
  • Azure Stream Analytics


In this article, you learned about the Azure service bus, the advantage of the Azure service bus, and the features of the Azure service bus.
If you want to learn more about Azure Service Bus please check the below articles,