What is Maven?
- Maven is a project management tool for Java projects.
- It manages a project's build, reporting, and documentation.
Why Use Maven?
- Convention over Configuration - a quick project setup
- Project Modularization - standard directory structure
- Dependency Management - adds jars/libraries/dependencies automatically
- Plugin-based architecture - more powerful builds
When to Use Maven?
- Project Dependency tree is fairly deep and upgrades frequently.
- There is a need for streamlined continuous build, integration, and testing.
- Build Portability is required to maintain consistency across different environments.
- Quality Project Information is required for reporting/documentation purposes.
POM Demystified
What is POM?
- Project Object Model is the Maven project configuration file.
- It describes the project, declaratively.
- It defines what the project is all about and how it should be built.
- It is an XML file located in base directory of a project.
POM is composed of elements and configurations.
- Elements in POM
- Project
- modelVersion
- groupId
- artifactId
- version
A combination of groupId, artifactId and version is called the GAV coordinates, which uniquely identifies a project.
Configurations in POM
- Dependencies
- Plugins
- Goals
- Build Profiles
A Maven life cycle consists of a sequence of phases, and each phase consists of a sequence of goals.
Frequently Used Maven Commands,
- mvn clean - Clean a project.
- mvn compile - Compile a project.
- mvn test - Run unit tests.
- mvn package - Build a package.
- mvn verify - Run integration test.
- mvn install - Install a package into local repository
- mvn -DskipTests=true install - Install an artifact into the local repository and skip unit and integration test execution.
- mvn deploy - Deploy artifact into enterprise repository.
- mvn dependency:tree - Display project dependencies.
- mvn help:active-profiles - Display all profiles.
This article presented basic informaiton about Maven with the most frequently used command to build and deploy.