💥Mastering Azure: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Storage Account


In this article, we will see on how to create a storage account in Azure.

Step 1. Log in to the Azure portal at https://portal.azure.com using your credentials.

Creating a Storage Account

Step 2. In the window, click on +create resource, and a new window appears. Type create storage account on the search bar and click search.

Creating a Storage Account

Step 3. You will see a text saying Storage account - blob, file, queue, window that appears, and then click on the Create button on the left side of the screen.

Step 4. This is to get redirected to a page to fill in the information about your storage account. Under the 'Basics' tab, you will find 

  • Subscription: 
  • Resource group
  • Storage account name
  • Region

Fill these according to your requirements.

Creating a Storage Account

Step 5. Under the  'Performance. Tab, choose the tier you want for your storage account from the options below; I would suggest you select the standard tier; yeah, it's obviously your choice based on your requirement.

  • Standard
  • Premium
  • Blob Storage

Step 6. Under the Account kind section, You can choose from the following,

  • StorageV2 (general-purpose v2)
  • BlobStorage (blob storage only)
  • FileStorage (file storage only)
  • Storage (general-purpose v1).

I will also attach the details of the tiers so that you can choose which best suits you.

Creating a Storage Account

Step 7. Once you have given all the required information, you can click on the "Review+submit" button below.

Creating a Storage Account

Step 8. Wait a minute or two; then, You have finally created your storage account.


Have fun exploring your Azure storage account, and yeah, keep an eye on the cost in the notification tab. I hope this article helps create your Azure storage account.

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