Manually Install MySQL on Windows Without MySQL Installer


Oracle does publish a standalone MySQL Installer designed to ease the complexity of installing and configuring MySQL products that run on Microsoft Windows. Here’s the link for the installer.

Since there's a wizard-alike installer, why do this manually?

  • You can install multiple instances of the same version of MySQL
  • Deeper understanding and insights into how MySQL configuration works
  • Better control and more flexible in configuring MySQL

Official MySQL Installation Guide:

Here is a quick, simplified, summarized installation steps.

  1. Download Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 Redistributable Runtime.
  2. Download the binaries from MySQL.
  3. The archive is typically named, where ‘x.x.x‘ represents the version number. For example, is the latest version at the time of writing this.
  4. Official download URL (for community version):

  5. Extract the zip archive into a folder, and that will be the root folder for running the MySQL server.
  6. Create an option file (my.ini) at the root folder.
  7. Initialize the “Data” directory
  8. Install Windows Service for the MySQL Server
  9. Start / Stop the Service of MySQL Server
  10. Set / Change the password for “root” user.

Let’s Start

MySQL Server for Windows requires Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 Runtime. You may download the “Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015-2022” at the following link.

Assume that you extract the zip archive to the following folder (It can be any location).


The root folder will have the following extracted content.


Create an option file in the root folder and name it my.ini. However, creating an option file is not required if you plan to use all the default parameters.

Location of the option file.

// default location
<root folder>\my.ini

// example

You can find documentation on the default location and details of an option file here.

An options file fine-tunes the behavior of a MySQL server, such as altering its memory access limit, performance, and the various ways it handles specific actions.

Below is an example of the option file that I used in one of the MySQL servers.


Options that are not specified in the options file will apply default values. Some of the notable default options.


# the root folder: <root>

# the data folder: <root>/data


# Default Characters Encoding
# defaults in MySQL 8

# defaults in MySQL 5.7 and below


# default: 130 MB
# for caching InnoDB tables and index data in memory to improve performance

# maximum length of single query
# default: 64 MB

# define what SQL syntax MySQL should support and
# what kind of data validation checks it should perform

# using MySQL legacy user password that is backward compatible with older version of MySQL 5

# this is the default in MySQL 8, which provides stronger security

Here, I would like to take some time to add some explanation for the default values for sql-mode.

ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY - when enabled
-- this will cause error
select id, groupid, groupname from sales group by groupid;

-- the group by clause must include the rest of columns
select id, groupid, groupname from sales group by groupid, id, groupname;

STRICT_TRANS_TABLES - when enabled
-- strictly adhere to the data types and values defined in the table schema, 
-- any incorrect data input results in an error

-- example:

    total INT NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (id)

-- This will cause an error, `total` does not allow null value

NO_ZERO_IN_DATE, NO_ZERO_DATE - when enabled
-- the following zero date values are not allowed:

0000-00-00 00:00:00

-- cannot divide anything with zero

- when enabled
1000 / 0 = error

- when disable
1000 / 0 = null

-- prevents the database from automatically replacing an unavailable
-- storage engine with the default engine, ensuring that tables are 
-- only created with the specified engine.

- when enabled

CREATE TABLE example_table (
    id INT,
    data VARCHAR(100)
 -- This will fail if MERGE engine is not available.
- when disable
-- the ENGINE=MERGE will become Innodb

Let’s assume that we have another instance of MySQL that needs to run in a specific, out-of-the-ordinary manner. The option file might look something like this.

port = 4001

port = 4001
basedir = D:/database/engine/mysql/v8.0.25/
datadir = E:/database/data/mysql/4001/
max_allowed_packet = 1G
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 1G

# Run this instance of MySQL as replication
# Special options for replication setup
server-id = 2
master-host =
master-user = replication_user
master-password = replication_password
master-port = 3306
read-only = 1

If you are wondering what is a replication setup in MySQL context? A replication setup in MySQL is a configuration where data from one MySQL server (the master) is automatically copied and kept up-to-date on another server (the replica or the slave).

*Side note for replication setup: A dedicated user needs to be created on the “Master” MySQL server. Here’s a quick example of the SQL statements to create the user.

-- create the user
CREATE USER 'replica_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'replica_password';

-- grant the permission for performing replication tasks
GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO 'replica_user'@'%';

-- ensure the changes take effect

Next Step: Initialize “Data” Directory

Run “CMD” (or Command Prompt) as administrator.

Go to the BIN directory and run one of the following commands. The command prompt will look something like this.


// go to the drive

// go to the directory of BIN
CD C:\mysql\bin

Command prompt

Initialize the data directory with the following command.


// Method 1:
// assign blank password for root user
mysqld --initialize-insecure

// Method 2:
// assign random password for root user, obtain the password at the error log file
mysqld --initialize

// Manually define the location of option file if it is not located at the default path

mysqld --initialize-insecure --defaults-file=C:\other\folder\my.ini

mysqld --initialize --defaults-file=C:\other\folder\my.ini

As mentioned earlier, the default location of the options file is relative to mysqld.exe.

// location of mysqld.exe:

// the option file is expected to be located at:

Example of the path of mysqld.exe:

Default expected path for option file:

This will create a data directory at the <root>. Example.


// According to the example provided is previous block of code

If you initialize the data directory by using mysqld --initialize the command, you can obtain the password at the error log file, which is the name of the log file: <computer name>.err. By following the above example, it will be something like.


If anything goes wrong, you can find hints about the cause of the errors in the error log file. If the initialization succeeds, the error log file will look something like this.

(Assume that you run the initialization with: mysqld --initialize).

2023-11-17T13:12:22.493220Z 1 [System] [MY-013576] [InnoDB] 
InnoDB initialization has started.

2023-11-17T13:12:23.244460Z 1 [System] [MY-013577] [InnoDB]
InnoDB initialization has ended.

2023-11-17T13:12:25.271888Z 6 [Note] [MY-010454] [Server]
A temporary password is generated for root@localhost: cQ<l/vxC0;P!

Start MySQL server manually.

// when option file is located at default location


// when option file is located somewhere else
mysqld --defaults-file=C:\dbconfig\my\heavy-ram.ini

Install Windows Service for the MySQL Server

There are two ways to install Windows Service to run MySQL server.

(Install Service) Method 1: Using Windows CMD sc command.

Note: The service will run under LocalSystem privilege, which is good for MySQL servers.

Basic Syntax


sc create <service_name> binPath= "<path_of_mysqld> <path_option_file> <service_name>"
start= <boot|system|auto|demand|disabled|delayed-auto>



Example 1:
sc create MySQL8.0.35 binPath= "C:\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe MySQL8.0.35" start= auto

Example 2:
sc create MySQL8 binPath= "C:\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe MySQL8" start= auto

Example 3:
sc create "MySQL 8" binPath= "C:\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe \"MySQL 8\"" start= auto

Include the path for the option file (my.ini) in binPath.


// execute in single line

Example 1:

sc create MySQL8 binPath= "C:\mysql\bin\mysqld 
--defaults-file=C:\mysql\my.ini MySQL8" start= auto

Example 2:

sc create "MySQL 8" binPath= "\"C:\mysql 8\bin\mysqld\" 
--defaults-file=\"C:\mysql 8\my.ini\" \"MySQL 8\"" start= auto

Note. The following syntax is incorrect.


// incorrect demonstration:

// there must be a space after the equal sign '='.
sc create "MySQL8" binPath="C:\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe MySQL8" start=auto

// the service name must be included at the end of binPath
sc create "MySQL8" binPath= "C:\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe" start= auto

// the service name with empty space is not wrapped with double quote in binPath
sc create "MySQL 8" binPath= "C:\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe MySQL 8" start= auto

If the option file is not located in its default locations, you can manually specify the path as an argument (or parameter) along with the binPath. Here’s an example.

// execute the following in single line

sc create MySQL8
binPath= "\"C:\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe\" 
--defaults-file=\"C:\dbconfig\my-heavy-ram.ini\" MySQL8"
start= auto

Manually start the service for the first time.

net start MySQL8.0.35

net start MySQL8

net start "MySQL 8"

To stop the service.

net stop MySQL8.0.35

net stop MySQL8

net stop "MySQL 8"

To delete the service.

sc delete MySQL8.0.35

sc delete MySQL8

sc delete "MySQL 8"

To edit the service.


// to change the binPath
sc config MySQL8 binPath= "C:\db-engine\mysql\v8\bin\mysqld MySQL8"

// to change the start type
sc config "MySQL 8" start= auto

(Install Service) Method 2: Using MySQL built-in mysqld install function.


// install the service
mysqld --install "MySQL8"

// specify the path for option file
mysqld --install "MySQL8" --defaults-file="C:\mysql\my.ini"

Change the start mode of the service from demand/manual to auto, then start the service.

// change the start mode from "manual" to "auto"
sc config "MySQL8" start= auto

// manually start the service for the first time
net start "MySQL8"

// stop the service
net stop "MySQL8"

Manually stop MySQL server without using Windows Service.


mysqladmin -u root -p -h localhost --port 3306 shutdown

Set / Change the Password for “root” User

In the CMD, still at the BIN folder, use the program mysql to enter the server.


// using default port 3306
mysql -u root -p -h localhost

// if server run under different port, such as 4001
mysql -u root -p -h localhost --port 4001
  • u : username
  • -p : prompt for password
  • -h : server host location
  • --port : port number of the MySQL server

Next, MySQL will prompt for a password. If you initialize the data with mysqld --initialize-insecure, the password is blank. For initialization with mysqld --initialize, a temporary root password is generated, go to the error log file to look for the password.

To set or change the password.


alter user 'root'@'localhost' identified by 'your password here';

Done! The MySQL server is now ready for use. Happy databasing!

Youtube - A Simple & Quick Demonstration of Manually Installing MySQL on Windows

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