Open Windows PowerShell
To open PowerShell in your Windows system, go to Start Menu —> Type “Windows PowerShell” in Search box —>Select Windows PowerShell —> Right click and Select ” Run as Administrator”.
Install the MVP module
To install MVP module, use the below Cmdlet (Command-let)
Install-Module -name MVP
Image: Install MVP Module.
View Functions in MVP Module
After installing the MVP module, If you want to look at all the available functions in MVP module, currently there are 15 functions available in this module.
Get-Command -module MVP
Configure Your Connection
Now, to use this MVP module using PowerShell, you must register and get a subscription key from Microsoft. You can do this by just following the below steps.
Step 1 - Sign into Microsoft MVP API Portal
You can sign on to Microsoft MVP API Portal by using the below link (Note: Use your Microsoft MVP site access credentials ).
Step 2 - Subscribe to the “MVP Production”.
Once you are successfully signed in, click on Products tab —> MVP Production —> click on Subscribe.
Step 3 - Get Subscription Key
After your click on Subscribe in step 2, a request will be submitted and it will take ~2 business days to be processed. Once it gets approved, you will get a subscription key. It can be found by this way -
Right click on your profile and select “PROFILE” —> On the primary key line. Select “show” and that’s your Subscription Key.
Step 4 - Configure your Connection using Set - MVPConfiguration.
Set - MVPConfiguration -SubscriptionKey ‘Enter Your SubscriptionKey Here’.
Retrieve an MVP Profile.
You can retrieve an MVP Profile using Get-MVPProfile function. For example, you can see the MVP Profile ID of Francois-Xavier Cat ( A PowerShell MVP).
Get- MVPProfile -ID ‘Enter any Specific MVP Profile ID Here’.
You can find an MVP profile ID at If you search for an MVP and click on his/her profile, you will see the Profile ID in the URL.
Image Source: Francois- Xavier Cat.
This will give you the profile information of Francois-Xavier Cat.
Image Source: Francois- Xavier Cat.
You can also retrieve your contributions
—> Get-MVPContribution
And, make new contributions
—> New-MVPContribution
and so on....