Learning Python - Installation Of Python On Windows 10


In the last article "Learning Python - Introduction To Python", we discussed what Python is and most importantly, why to learn Python. In this article, we will discuss the steps to install Python on a Windows machine. I have Windows 10 on my laptop.
The following are the detailed steps to install Python on Windows 10.
  • Download the latest version of Python for Windows 10 - Download Python for Windows from here. The download page can be visited from here as shown below.
Learning Python - Installation Steps on Windows 10
Figure 1 : Python: Download page - here
  • Run the Setup

    • Python 3.7.3 executable will be downloaded.
    • Once the executable is downloaded successfully, run it as an administrator, as shown in the below figure.
Learning Python - Installation Steps on Windows 10
Fig 2 : Python: Downloaded executable
    • Once we run the executable, the Python installation dialog appears as
Learning Python - Installation Steps on Windows 10
Fig 3: Python - Installation dialog 
    • Click on the “Install Now” option as shown in the above Fig 3.
    • Make sure Python is successfully installed
Learning Python - Installation Steps on Windows 10
Fig 4: Python: Installation successful dialog
    • Once Python is installed successfully, you could see the Python editor, manual, and desktop app when we search for Python in “Search Windows” in the taskbar.
Learning Python - Installation Steps on Windows 10
Fig 5 : Python: Once successfully installation searching "Python" from "Search Windows"
    • Or, we can also go through “Start >> All apps >> Python 3.7
Learning Python - Installation Steps on Windows 10
Fig 6: Python: Folder in Windows after successful installation
  • Python Editor / Shell

    • Python editor/shell is installed with Python installable, we can open Python editor/shell.
Learning Python - Installation Steps on Windows 10
Fig 7: Python: Opening Python shell installed with Python Setup
    • Once we open the Python editor, it looks like this
Learning Python - Installation Steps on Windows 10
Fig 8 : Python: Python Sell/Editor
    • To start initially, there is help() available.
Learning Python - Installation Steps on Windows 10
Fig 9: Python: help() in Python Shell
    • We could change the Python Shell settings from the top toolbar – “Options >> Configure IDLE”, once we click “Settings” dialog a box will appear as shown in the below figure, where we can change the theme and text color.
Learning Python - Installation Steps on Windows 10
Fig 10: Python: Changing the Python shell settings - "Settings" dialog
    • We could also get the list of available “Python Keywords”, “Topics”, “Modules”, “Symbols” we can us respective commands like “keywords”, “topics”, “modules”, “symbols”.
Learning Python - Installation Steps on Windows 10
Fig 11: Python: Displaying Python keywords in Python Shell
    • Finally, there is the quit() command available to exit the shell
Learning Python - Installation Steps on Windows 10
Fig12: Python: quit() to exit the Python shell

Here, these commands are case sensitive. This means if we will use “Keywords” instead of “keywords” we will get an error as,
Learning Python - Installation Steps on Windows 10
Fig 13: Python: error for “Keywords" - its case sensitive, it should be “keywords”


Also, regarding Python Keywords, Topics, Modules, Symbol, we will discuss in detail in upcoming articles.

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