Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Thirty Three - Creating A SharePoint List View


This article is the 33rd part of my SharePoint series. Here are my previous articles.

  1. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part One - Introduction
  2. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Two - Web Application
  3. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Three - Site Collections
  4. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Four - Subsites
  5. Learn SharePoint In Series – Part Five – SharePoint Lists
  6. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Six - Power Of Versioning
  7. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Seven - Lists Advanced Settings
  8. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Eight - Validation Settings in List Settings
  9. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Nine - Audience Targeting
  10. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Ten - Rating Settings
  11. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Eleven - Form Settings in List Settings
  12. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Twelve- Save list as a template in List Setting
  13. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Thirteen- Permission Settings in List Settings
  14. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Fourteen- Enterprise Metadata and Keywords
  15. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Fifteen - Retention Policy Under Information Management
  16. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Sixteen - RSS Settings in List Setting
  17. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Seventeen - List Columns in SharePoint
  18. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Eighteen - Multiple Lines Of Text Column Type in SharePoint
  19. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Nineteen - Number and Choice Column Type in SharePoint
  20. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Twenty - Currency and Yes No Column types in SharePoint
  21. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Twenty One - Person or Group Column types in SharePoint
  22. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Twenty-Two - Date and Time Column types in SharePoint
  23. Learn SharePoint In Series – Part Twenty-Three – Look Up Column Type in SharePoint
  24. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Twenty Four - Hyperlink or Picture Column Types in SharePoint
  25. Learn SharePoint In Series -Part Twenty-Five - Calculated Column in SharePoint
  26. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Twenty-Six - Task Outcomes and External Data Column Type in SharePoint
  27. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Twenty-Seven - Introduction to Managed Metadata Column Types
  28. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Twenty-Eight - Introduction to Site Columns
  29. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Twenty Nine - Editing and Deleting Site Columns
  30. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Thirty - Column Reordering in SharePoint
  31. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Thirty-One - Indexing in SharePoint Lists and Libraries
  32. Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Thirty Two - Introduction to SharePoint Views

In the previous article, I have given a brief introduction to SharePoint list views. We have seen what views are and what is the use of the SharePoint list views. In this article, I will be explaining how to create the SharePoint List Views in a list and how to configure them. In this article, I am going to cover the following topics.

  • Scenario
  • Creation of SharePoint View
  • Summary


Consider a scenario where you have the following Shopping List. Please refer to the image below that contains several records.

Creating a SharePoint List View

Now, your requirement is to create a view in which you don’t want to include “Notes” columns and the item should be displayed in the descending order of item last modified. So let’s understand how to create a view for this scenario.

Creation of SharePoint List View

In order to create the view please follow the below steps.

Step 1

Open the list in which you want to create a view, then open the list setting page by clicking on the Setting icon and then clicking on List Settings.

Creating a SharePoint List View

Step 2

Scroll down and navigate to the Views section of the list settings page. Once you navigate to the Views section, you will find an option to Create View.

Creating a SharePoint List View

Step 3

Click on the link and you will be navigated to View Type. Here are all the possible Views to be created with the current list.

Creating a SharePoint List View

Step 4

In this article, we will be creating a Standard View, I will be explaining other view types in upcoming articles. From the View Type click on Standard View or also you can select any existing view type to create a new view as shown in the below figure.

Creating a SharePoint List View

Step 5

When we click on Standard View, Create View page will be opened. Here you have to configure your required view. Let’s understand each property and its use here.


Creating a SharePoint List View

Name property is used to give a meaningful name to your new view. You can always give any name to the view. Along with the name you will have a checkbox “Make this the default view” if you want this view to be the default view that user must see when they open the list, then please check this checkbox. Otherwise leave it unchecked.


Creating a SharePoint List View

Audience property is used to define the audience of the view. There are 2 values here, one is “Create a Personal View” and other is “Create a Public View”. If you want to create a view that only you can see then select “Create a Personal View” and if you want to create a view for every user then select “Create a Public View”. By default “Create a Public View” is selected.


Creating a SharePoint List View

This property will allow configuring the columns and columns order that you want to display into your views. Just select the checkbox before the name of the columns under “Display” that you want to select. Here we do not need the Notes columns, then deselect the checkbox before the Notes column name.

Now from the option “Position from Left”, you can select the order of the columns that should be displayed in the views. When you will select the order of any columns then the order of other columns will be automatically adjusted.


Creating a SharePoint List View

This option allows us to configure the sorting order of the list item. Here we have to display the item on Modified Date in descending order. So select the Modified columns into the drop-down and then click on “Sort items in descending order” radio button. Here you can configure level 2 sorting.


Creating a SharePoint List View

If you do not want to display all the records and you are interested in viewing the items that are created today, then you can configure  such a condition here. In this case, I have checked the radio button of ‘Show items only when the following is true” and I have selected the column “Created” and the condition is “is equal to” and the value is ‘[Today]”. Here you can configure multiple conditions in the views.

Tabular View

Creating a SharePoint List View

When you open any list you have the checkbox with each and every item. If you do not want to display the individual checkbox with the item then just uncheck this checkbox and you will then observe that the individual checkbox will disappear.

Group By

Creating a SharePoint List View

This section will be used to configure the grouping on the list items. Here you can group by the items based on the given columns. For example, if you want to group the list item by Title then, in that case, select the column “Title” and select the sort order.

From here you can also configure how many groups should be displayed into the page or the default behavior should be Collapsed or Expanded. Let’s selected Expanded.


Creating a SharePoint List View

This will allow the user to configure to display the Sum, Count, Average etc of the selected visible columns. For this example, I have selected the Sum of Price and Sum of Quantity columns.


Creating a SharePoint List View

This option will allow the user to configure the look and feel of the tabular data. You can select any view and check the view on the page. Here we are selecting Default display.


Creating a SharePoint List View

Sometimes we have folders inside the list and every folder has the items. Now sometime user wants to display all the items from the folders to the single view. If you want to display all the items without folders then you can select “Show all items without folders” or else leave the default selection that is “Show items inside folders”.

Item Limit

Creating a SharePoint List View

As the name depicts, this setting is used to set the item limit to be displayed on the list view page. By default, the value is 30, but you can change it according to your needs. Along with the free textbox you have the following 2 options.

“Display items in batches of the specified size” and “Limit the total number of items returned to the specified amount”. If you want to fetch all items at a time and then allow the user to fetch the next items using Next button then select “Display items in batched of the specified size”. This approach will take a little longer while loading the data for the first time, as it will load all the data for the first time and then pagination will be managed. While if you want to fetch the fixed amount at a time then, in that case, you can select “Limit the total number of items returned to the specified amount” option. This option will be a little bit faster as this will not fetch all the items for the first time, it will fetch the items on demand and then display it to the views.


Creating a SharePoint List View

As the name suggests this setting will be used to configure whether this view should be available with the mobile view or not.

Once you are done with the configurations, just click on the OK button and your view will be created.

Following will be the view created.

Creating a SharePoint List View

Here you can see that the item is grouped by Title columns, and we have only 2 items. Because we have selected items to be displayed that are created today, the third item is not displayed. The name of the view is “New View”.

We have also selected the options to display the sum of the Price and Quantity columns. But the modern layout does not support that sum option. So let’s switch to the “Classic View” and then you will see the following layout.

Creating a SharePoint List View

Here you can see the sum of the Price and Quantity columns with grouped columns.


So in this article, we have seen how I have created a simple view. There will be N number of scenarios where you can configure your view. If you have any query then just let me know in the comment section also, if you want to configure your views for a specific requirement then also let me know into the comment section and I will guide you to create your scenario-based view.

The same concept belongs to SharePoint libraries also. In the next article, I will be explaining how to edit the views and how to select the views to be displayed as default or how to switch between the views.

Hyper Cloud 365 Software Solution
Hyper Cloud 365 Software solution is a development and IT Consulting company.