Leadership Challenge 005 - Coach To Win, Not To Fix

Hello my friends!!! I am starting to see success in my role helping drive adoption by leveraging Modern Workplaces. My hometown is going crazy over the Super Bowl win by our Philadelphia Eagles.

I have come across a great coaching article.


To complete this leadership challenge please comment on the following,

  • What is one “ah-ha” moment for you from this article?
  • What is one thing you are going to try to do differently throughout February 2018 based on this article?

I look forward to seeing everyone’s comments.

EXTRA BONUS: I would like to extend my coaching services to this group. If you feel you could benefit from 1-on-1 coaching, would just like to discuss an idea or are struggling with a specific situation free to reach out to me at [email protected].  I will be offering a limited session for free for a limited time.

Look for my next article in March 2018.

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