We can configure TypeScript with different IDEs. Here are a few links for IDE configuration for TypeScript:
Visual Studio code
Eclipse IDE
Visual Studio 2015
Now we are going to create our first typescript program named - "HiTS.ts"
- Open Visual studio 2017, Go to File - New - File - TypeScript File- Open
- Save the file to your system by pressing ctrl+S with the name "HiTS.ts"
- Now add below line of code in the HiTS.ts file,
- console.log('Hi welcome to TypeScript');
- Save the file again by pressing ctrl + S
- Now open the command prompt (cmd.exe)
- Navigate to the folder path where you saved your "HiTS.ts" file.
- To compile the project enter command tsc HiTS.ts in the command prompt.
- You can observe that after compilation of the TypeScript file, the corresponding JavaScript file gets generated. Below are the screenshots for before and after comiplation of typescript program.
Before Compilation
After Compilation
- To run the generated JavaScript file, use node command from the command line or include it in a html page using the script tag and render it in the browser.
- To run it in the command prompt, execute below commandnode HiTS.js
This will show you the required output of your program on the command prompt .
Now, we are going to see how to create the component using Angular CLI and exploring the files which are created.
Demo steps
Step 1
In the same "MyApplication" application created earlier, create a new component called hi using the following CLI command
Step 2
This command will create a new folder with name hello with the files placed inside it.
Step 3
Open hi.component.ts file and create a property called Name of type string and initialize it to "XYZ" as shown below in Line number 9,
- import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
- @Component({
- selector: 'app-hi',
- templateUrl: './hi.component.html',
- styleUrls: ['./hi.component.css']
- })
- export class HiComponent implements OnInit {
- Name : string = "XYZ";
- constructor() { }
- ngOnInit(): void {
- }
- }
Step 4
Open hi.component.html and display the Name as shown below in Line 2
Step 5
Open hi.component.css and add the following styles for paragraph element
- p{
- color : red;
- font-size:18px;
- }
Step 6
Open app.component.html and add below line of code,
- <router-outlet>
- <app-hi></app-hi>
- </router-outlet>
Now, observe index.html page. Inside this page we have below line of in built code,
- <body>
- <app-root></app-root>
- </body>
The <route-outlet> </route-outlet> tags are getting called internaly inside the <app-root></app-root>
Step 7
Now run the application by giving the following command
You will get to see output screen on browser.
In this article, we discussed about the steps which we need to follow for the installation of Node.js and typescript. Also we have created, compiled and executed our first typescript program. We have created the component using Angular CLI and explored the files which are created. Also, we have created and executed "hi" component in the application. Hope you like the article. Happy Reading