Inner Workings of a Query Processor


A query processor is an essential component of a database management system (DBMS), responsible for translating and executing user queries to interact with the database effectively. It ensures that queries are processed efficiently, producing the desired results. Here, we delve into the critical aspects of a query processor, including its components and functionalities.

Query Processor

 Query Processor

Compiler and Linker

The compiler and linker play a vital role in the query processing pipeline. The compiler translates high-level queries written in a Data Manipulation Language (DML) or Data Definition Language (DDL) into a lower-level code or machine code that the database engine can execute. The linker then takes these compiled code fragments and combines them into a cohesive unit, ready for execution. This process is akin to how traditional programming languages are compiled and linked to produce executable programs.

DML Queries

Data Manipulation Language (DML) queries are used to manipulate the data within a database. Common DML operations include.

  1. SELECT: Retrieve data from the database.
  2. INSERT: Add new records to the database.
  3. UPDATE: Modify existing records.
  4. DELETE: Remove records from the database.

The query processor interprets these queries, optimizes them, and ensures they are executed efficiently, maintaining data integrity and performance.

DDL Interpreter

The Data Definition Language (DDL) interpreter is responsible for handling DDL commands that define the database schema. DDL commands include.

  1. CREATE: Define new database objects like tables, indexes, and views.
  2. ALTER: Modify the structure of existing database objects.
  3. DROP: Delete database objects.

The DDL interpreter ensures that these commands are correctly parsed and executed, updating the database schema as required.

Application Program Object Code

Application programs interact with the database through embedded SQL queries. These queries are first written in the application code and then compiled into object code by the query processor. The object code represents the executable form of the SQL queries, allowing the application to interact seamlessly with the database.

DML Compiler and Organizer

The DML compiler translates DML queries into an intermediate form, optimizing them for efficient execution. This intermediate form is often a sequence of low-level operations that the query evaluation engine can execute directly. The organizer then takes these compiled queries and arranges them into an optimal execution plan, ensuring that the database engine can execute them efficiently.

Query Evaluation Engine

The query evaluation engine is the core component responsible for executing the compiled and optimized queries. It processes the intermediate code generated by the DML compiler, performing the necessary operations to retrieve or modify data as specified in the query. The evaluation engine ensures that the execution is done efficiently, adhering to the optimization strategies defined by the query optimizer.


A query processor is a sophisticated component of a DBMS, integrating various functions to ensure efficient query processing. From compiling and linking queries to interpreting DDL commands and executing DML operations, each component plays a crucial role in maintaining the performance and integrity of the database. Understanding these components helps in appreciating the complexity and efficiency of modern database management systems.

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