Initial Release Of The Azure Blueprint Program

Microsoft Azure Government is a government-community cloud that offers world class security products and services (cloud service integration) at a global level, along with application services, data services, and hardware services in most of the  United States. According to assent requirements, Microsoft Azure Government provides many facilities and security based services, such as Developers Tools, Enterprise Integration, Internet Of Things (IOT), Databases, Web + Mobile, Storage, Networking, Hyper Scale Computing, Monitoring + Management, etc. These services are available in many regions, such as The United States, Canada, Brazil, Europe, Germany, The United Kingdom, Asia Pacific, Australia, India, and Japan.

Azure Government includes the cloud computing stack core components like Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). This includes infrastructure, network, Operating System, storage, data management, identity management, and many other services.

Microsoft Azure Government Engineering Team went on to facilitate the secure and compliant use of Azure and announced the initial release of the Azure Blueprint Program for government agencies and third-party providers. For the internal security protections and processes, Azure government has indeed a JAB (Joint Authorization Program) Provisional Authority to Operate (P-ATO). In a cloud-based system this release helps to azure customers for security control implementations with their documenting.

The US Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) Moderate provide a standardized CRM (Customer Responsibility Matrix) and SSP (System Security Plan) template are designed for use by security personnel who designed security controls in Azure cloud environment and CRM provides NIST SP 800-53 Revision 4 controls. So customers can access documentation with the help of Azure Blueprint Program to assist their agency.

To access Azure Blueprint System Security Plan and CRM (Customer Responsibility Matrix), you can mail [email protected].

To see what is currently happening with Azure Government and to receive emails go to Azure Government Blog and select “Subscribe by Email”. For further details you can follow the below screenshot.

Azure Government supports some great features like Geo-Synchronous data replication, auto scaling and more.

Here is the list of features of this Azure Blueprint Program.

  • JAB Provisional Authority
  • Security Controls are properly implemented
  • FedRAMP Moderate baseline
  • More efficiency in customer implementation requirement
  • Controls are implemented by the Azure Government according to use of a customer

Azure Government provides better options for your organization, you can enjoy this service on Azure Government Trial.

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