In this article you will learn how to import data from a CSV (comma separated file) and create reports using the Microsoft Power BI Desktop tool. So, let’s start with importing data into Power BI.
Find the Sample CSV in ‘Source Code’. Here I am giving you sales data in CSV.
You should follow the below steps to import sales data and create a meaningful report. This sheet has 11 columns.
Step 1
First, you should open the home page of the tool and click on ‘Get Data’ and select ‘Text/CSV’ and click on ‘Connect’, as I highlighted with red in the below image.
Step 2
Once you click on ‘Connect’ you get to browse the file path, select your file and click ‘Open’.
After clicking on ‘Open’, you are able to load your file by clicking on ‘Load’.
Wait here for a few seconds to load the file.
Step 3
Once the file is loaded you can see the table details in ‘Fields’ at the right side of the tool as shown in the image. You can see all the columns of this sheet here.
Now if you want to check the data of table and table structure then you need to click on ‘Data’ at the right side of the tool ( like I have shown in the below article).
Step 4
To create report click on ‘Report’ just above ‘Data’. Here I am using ‘Pie chart’ to view my Data. In this visualization I am showing you the percent of the sum of ‘OrderQty’, ‘ProductId’ and ‘SalesOrderId’. So select all these columns from ‘Fields’ and ‘Pie Chart’ from ‘Visualization’.
In the second report, I am showing the number of ‘SalesOrderId’ per ‘CarrierTrackingNumber’.
For this report, I used the ‘Table’ Visualization.
You can see the data in tabular form. Similarly, you can take any shape from visualization and create a report.
Step 5
Do you want to share your report with others? It’s very easy with Power BI. Just go to the “File” tab and click on ‘Save as’. Now give the name of the file and save it. Your BI report is now saved with the “.pbix” extension.
This is the way to generate a simple report. Using different types of visualizations, you can create an effective report. In the next article, we will use another source of data and perform some new tasks. So, stay with me to explore Power BI.