Implementing Azure Automation Update Management


The Azure Automation Update Management is a component of Automation. It supports Windows and Linux operating systems. The Azure Automation Update Management sends assessment information about missing updates to Log Analytics. Azure Automation uses this information to schedule the automatic deployment of missing updates.

Azure Automation Update Management

Step 1

In the Azure portal, click create a resource, type Automation in the search bar, and select Automation.

Implementing Azure Automation Update Management

Step 2

Click on Create.

Implementing Azure Automation Update Management

Step 3

Enter the Name for the Automation account and click Next.

Implementing Azure Automation Update Management

Step 4

In the Managed Identities, select System assigned.

Implementing Azure Automation Update Management

Step 5

In the Network connectivity, select Public access on the Connectivity configuration and click Create.

Implementing Azure Automation Update Management

Step 6

Open the Automation account and Click Update management under Update Management.

Implementing Azure Automation Update Management

Step 7

In the Log Analytics workspace, click Create New Workspace if you don’t have it; if you have an existing Log Analytics workspace, you can select it and then click Enable.

Implementing Azure Automation Update Management

Step 8

After enabling the Update management, click the Update Management again, and click + Add Azure VMs.

Implementing Azure Automation Update Management

Step 9

Select the Subscription and Location and then select the Resource group. When we select the Resource group, we can notice that the available Virtual Machines are ready to enable. Click Enable.

Implementing Azure Automation Update Management


In this article, we have learned how to Implement Azure Automation Update Management. In our next article, we will learn how to schedule an Update with Azure Automation Update Management.

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