An easy interactive application that's able to load images (one per time) and apply different filtering algorithms on it (just modifying the bitmap, not adding new layers). Interface: Not much to be said here. Open File - this component is presented in another article on c-sharp corner so I won't go in details here. The only thing I want to add is, regarding the file filter, I had problems finding out how to add more then one file extension to a filter index.
openFileDialog1.Filter = "Bitmap Files (*.bmp)|*.bmp|" +
"GIF (*.GIF)|*.GIF|TIFF (*.TIF;*.TIFF)|*.TIF;*.TIFF|PNG (*.PNG)|*.PNG|ICO (*.ICO)|*.ICO|" +
"All Picture Files|*.bmp;*.JPG;*.JPEG;*.JPE;*.JFIF;*.GIF;*.TIF;*.TIFF;*.PNG;*.ICO|All Files (*.*)|*.*";
There's also (commented) an alternative version for the brightness filter. It offers a preview of the filter you are going to use and gives you the ability to select the intensity of the filter by using a track bar (slider). It has a bug and the OK button isn't functional. But it is quite easy to repair the bug (I didn't have the time and I already started working on a new project). The preview image doesn't use the original image to brighten but rather the already brightened image that was formerly preview.
I won't go in details since my goal was to apply the filters, not improve/modify them.
Bitmap b = new Bitmap("temp");
BitmapData bmData = b.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, b.Width, b.Height),
ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, b.PixelFormat);
int stride = bmData.Stride;
System.IntPtr Scan0 = bmData.Scan0;
byte* p = (byte*)(void*)Scan0;
int nOffset = stride - b.Width*3;
int nWidth = b.Width * 3;
for (int y = 0; y < b.Height; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < nWidth; ++x)
p[0] = (byte)(255 - p[0]);
p += nOffset;
System.IO.File.Copy("temp~", "temp", true);
byte* p = (byte*)(void*)Scan0;
int nOffset = stride - b.Width * 3;
byte red, green, blue;
for (int y = 0; y < b.Height; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < b.Width; ++x)
blue = p[0];
green = p[1];
red = p[2];
p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = (byte)(.299 * red + .587 * green + .114 * blue);
p += 3;
p += nOffset;
byte* p = (byte*)(void*)Scan0;
int nOffset = stride - b.Width * 3;
int nBrightness = (int)value.Value, nVal;
for (int y = 0; y < b.Height; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < b.Width * 3; ++x)
nVal = (int)(p[0] + nBrightness);
if (nVal < 0) nVal = 0;
if (nVal > 255) nVal = 255;
p[0] = (byte)nVal;
p += nOffset;
byte* p = (byte*)(void*)Scan0;
int nOffset = stride - b.Width * 3;
double contrast = (100.0 + (int)value.Value) / 100, pixel = 0;
byte red, green, blue;
for (int y = 0; y < b.Height; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < b.Width; ++x)
blue = p[0];
green = p[1];
red = p[2];
pixel = blue / 255.0;
pixel -= 0.5;
pixel *= contrast;
pixel += 0.5;
pixel *= 255;
if (pixel < 0) pixel = 0;
if (pixel > 255) pixel = 255;
p[0] = (byte)pixel;
pixel = green / 255.0;
pixel -= 0.5;
pixel *= contrast;
pixel += 0.5;
pixel *= 255;
if (pixel < 0) pixel = 0;
if (pixel > 255) pixel = 255;
p[1] = (byte)pixel;
pixel = red / 255.0;
pixel -= 0.5;
pixel *= contrast;
pixel += 0.5;
pixel *= 255;
if (pixel < 0) pixel = 0;
if (pixel > 255) pixel = 255;
p[2] = (byte)pixel;
p += 3;
p += nOffset;
These are the per pixel filters. Next are the Convolution Filters. I used a 3x3 matrix.
BitmapData bmData = b.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, b.Width, b.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
BitmapData bmSrc = bSrc.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bSrc.Width, bSrc.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
int stride = bmData.Stride;
int stride2 = stride * 2;
System.IntPtr Scan0 = bmData.Scan0;
System.IntPtr SrcScan0 = bmSrc.Scan0;
byte * p = (byte *)(void *)Scan0;
byte * pSrc = (byte *)(void *)SrcScan0;
int nOffset = stride + 6 - b.Width*3;
int nWidth = b.Width - 2;
int nHeight = b.Height - 2;
int nPixel;
for(int y=0;y < nHeight;++y)
for(int x=0; x < nWidth; ++x )
nPixel = ( ( ( (pSrc[2] * m.TopLeft) + (pSrc[5] * m.TopMid) + (pSrc[8] * m.TopRight) +
(pSrc[2 + stride] * m.MidLeft) + (pSrc[5 + stride] * m.Pixel) + (pSrc[8 + stride] * m.MidRight) +
(pSrc[2 + stride2] * m.BottomLeft) + (pSrc[5 + stride2] * m.BottomMid) + (pSrc[8 + stride2] *
m.BottomRight)) / m.Factor) + m.Offset);
if (nPixel < 0) nPixel = 0;
if (nPixel > 255) nPixel = 255;
p[5 + stride]= (byte)nPixel;
nPixel = ( ( ( (pSrc[1] * m.TopLeft) + (pSrc[4] * m.TopMid) + (pSrc[7] * m.TopRight) +
(pSrc[1 + stride] * m.MidLeft) + (pSrc[4 + stride] * m.Pixel) + (pSrc[7 + stride] * m.MidRight) +
(pSrc[1 + stride2] * m.BottomLeft) + (pSrc[4 + stride2] * m.BottomMid) + (pSrc[7 + stride2] *
m.BottomRight)) / m.Factor) + m.Offset);
if (nPixel < 0) nPixel = 0;
if (nPixel > 255) nPixel = 255;
p[4 + stride] = (byte)nPixel;
nPixel = ( ( ( (pSrc[0] * m.TopLeft) + (pSrc[3] * m.TopMid) + (pSrc[6] * m.TopRight) +
(pSrc[0 + stride] * m.MidLeft) + (pSrc[3 + stride] * m.Pixel) + (pSrc[6 + stride] * m.MidRight) +
(pSrc[0 + stride2] * m.BottomLeft) + (pSrc[3 + stride2] * m.BottomMid) + (pSrc[6 + stride2] *
m.BottomRight)) / m.Factor) + m.Offset);
if (nPixel < 0) nPixel = 0;
if (nPixel > 255) nPixel = 255;
p[3 + stride] = (byte)nPixel;
p += 3;
pSrc += 3;
p += nOffset;
pSrc += nOffset;
Applying the filters was only a problem of modifying the Convolution Matrix.