How to use the Abstract Factory Pattern in C# with the Interface Pattern


This article explores how the Abstract Factory pattern and the Interface pattern can be combined to improve the flexibility, maintainability, and scalability of code. These patterns are fundamental concepts in object-oriented design, especially in languages such as C#. As well as explaining the theory behind the Abstract Factory pattern, we will also provide practical C# code examples that illustrate how it's implemented.

Understanding the Abstract Factory Pattern

The Abstract Factory pattern is a creational design pattern that provides a way to create families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes. By decoupling the creation of objects from the client code that uses them, flexibility and dependency inversion can be achieved.

Key Components of the Abstract Factory Pattern

  1. Abstract Factory:  A factory interface defines a set of methods that produce different types of objects from a set of objects.
  2. Concrete Factory:  Implements the Abstract Factory interface so that specific types of related objects can be created.
  3. Abstract Product: Defining an interface for a type of product object is the second step.
  4. Concrete Product: A Concrete Factory creates a specific product object by implementing the Abstract Product interface.

Interface Pattern in C#

Using an interface in C# enables multiple classes to implement the same set of methods and properties while allowing them to provide their own unique implementations.

Using Abstract Factory and Interface Pattern in C#

We'll use an abstract factory pattern along with interfaces to implement a UI component factory that can create different types of buttons and checkboxes according to the operating system (e.g., Windows and macOS).

Step 1. Define Abstract Product Interfaces

It involves creating interfaces that define blueprints and contracts for related product objects without specifying their concrete implementations for the Abstract Factory pattern and interface pattern in C#.

// Abstract Product Interfaces found in the project name InterfacePattern under the solution folder name Interface Pattern
namespace InterfacePattern;
public interface IButton
    void Render();

Purpose of Abstract Product Interfaces

  1. Definition: By definition, Interfaces such as IButton and ICheckbox are templates that outline the behavior or functionality that a concrete product (e.g., WindowsButton, MacOSButton) should implement.
  2. Method Signature: As for the signature in most cases, they declare one or more methods that represent the actions performed by the product. The Render() method of IButton and ICheckbox indicates that any implementation of these interfaces must render or display the button or checkbox.


  1. Flexibility: Interfaces allow different implementations (WindowsButton, MacOSButton) to adhere to a common set of behaviors (Render()), allowing client code (Client class) to interact uniformly with various types of products.
  2. Decoupling: The Abstract Factory pattern achieves a high degree of decoupling between client code and specific implementations of products by programming to interfaces rather than concrete classes. As a result, dependency inversion is supported by abstractions and interfaces instead of direct dependencies on concrete classes.

Implementation in C#

  1. Example: In the IButton and ICheckbox interfaces, the Render() method signature indicates that classes implementing these interfaces must provide their own implementation of how the button or checkbox should be rendered.
  2. Usage: In concrete factories (WindowsUIComponentFactory, MacOSUIComponentFactory), these interfaces will be implemented to create specific instances of buttons and checkboxes.

By defining abstract product interfaces in the Abstract Factory pattern and interface pattern in C#, one promotes flexibility, maintainability, and adherence to object-oriented design principles.

Step 2. Create Concrete Product Classes

With "Step Two: Create Concrete Product Classes" within the context of the Abstract Factory pattern and interface pattern in C#, the focus is on implementing specific variations of the abstract products (IButton and ICheckbox) for different operating systems (Windows and macOS).

// Windows Concrete Products found in the project name AbstractFactoryPattern under the solution folder name AbstractFactory Pattern

using InterfacePattern;

namespace AbstractFactoryPattern;
public class WindowsButton : IButton
    public void Render()
        Console.WriteLine("Rendering a Windows style button.");

// macOS Concrete Products found in the project name AbstractFactoryPattern under the solution folder name AbstractFactory Pattern

using InterfacePattern;

namespace AbstractFactoryPattern;

public class MacOSButton : IButton
    public void Render()
        Console.WriteLine("Rendering a macOS style button.");

Purpose of Concrete Product Classes

  1. Definition: A concrete product class (WindowsButton, WindowsCheckbox, MacOSButton, MacOSCheckbox) implements the interfaces (IButton, ICheckbox) defined in Step One.
  2. Implementation: A concrete class implements the Render() method in a way tailored to its operating system, rendering buttons and checkboxes in a particular style.


  1. Customization: The concrete product classes allow the creation of distinct products (WindowsButton, MacOSButton) that share common behaviors defined by the interfaces (IButton, ICheckbox), while also accommodating differences in rendering based on the operating system.
  2. Scalability: Adding new variations or types of products (e.g., buttons or checkboxes for additional operating systems) can be easily accomplished by introducing new concrete classes adhering to the same interfaces.

Implementation in C#

  1. Example: WindowsButton and MacOSButton both implement the IButton interface and provide their own implementations of the Render() method to display button text.
  2. Usage: Concrete factories (WindowsUIComponentFactory, MacOSUIComponentFactory) will instantiate these concrete product classes based on the specific factory chosen, demonstrating how the Abstract Factory pattern allows for the creation of related product families without specifying their concrete classes in client code.

The Abstract Factory and Interface patterns in C# allow you to create specific instances of products tailored to different environments while adhering to consistent interfaces. As a result, object-oriented design practices are more maintainable, scalable, and flexible.

Step 3. Define Abstract Factory Interface

Within the context of "Step Three: Define Abstract Factory Interface", the focus is on defining an abstract factory interface (IUIComponentFactory) that declares methods for creating related product objects (IButton and ICheckbox) within the context of the Abstract Factory and Interface pattern in C#.).

// // Abstract Factory Interface found in the project name InterfacePattern under the solution folder name Interface Pattern

namespace InterfacePattern;
public interface IUIComponentFactory
    IButton CreateButton();
    ICheckbox CreateCheckbox();

Purpose of Abstract Factory Interface

  1. Definition: This interface describes a contract for concrete factory classes to implement. It contains abstract methods for creating IButton and ICheckbox objects (CreateButton() and CreateCheckbox()).
  2. Abstraction: Rather than defining concrete classes, the Abstract Factory pattern defines an interface that allows the client code to be decoupled from the specific implementations of product creation, enhancing flexibility and extensibility.

Key Components

  1. Factory Methods: CreateButton() and CreateCheckbox() are factory methods defined within IUIComponentFactory. These methods serve as blueprints for concrete factories (WindowsUIComponentFactory, MacOSUIComponentFactory) to produce instances of IButton and ICheckbox based on their respective implementations.
  2. Polymorphism: It supports the interchangeability of factory instances by adhering to a common structure (IUIComponentFactory) for multiple implementations (WindowsUIComponentFactory, MacOSUIComponentFactory).

Implementation in C#

  1. Example: As an example, IUIComponentFactory specifies the contract for creating UI components (IButton and ICheckbox) without specifying how they are instantiated. In order to implement platform-specific UI components, concrete factory classes (WindowsUIComponentFactory, MacOSUIComponentFactory) will implement these methods.
  2. Usage: Client code interacts with IUIComponentFactory to obtain instances of IButton and ICheckbox, allowing the creation of entire families of related products without client knowledge.

It is possible to create families of related objects by defining an abstract factory interface (IUIComponentFactory) in the Abstract Factory pattern and interface pattern in C#, which promotes code maintainability, scalability, and adaptability to changing requirements.

Step 4. Create Concrete Factory Classes

As part of the Abstract Factory and Interface pattern in C#, "Step Four: Create Concrete Factory Classes" describes how to implement concrete factory classes (WindowsUIComponentFactory and MacOSUIComponentFactory) that comply with the IUIComponentFactory interface, thereby creating platform-specific instances of IButton and ICheckbox.

// Windows Factory found in the project name AbstractFactoryPattern under the solution folder name AbstractFactory Pattern

using InterfacePattern;

namespace AbstractFactoryPattern;
public class WindowsUIComponentFactory : IUIComponentFactory
    public IButton CreateButton()
        return new WindowsButton();

    public ICheckbox CreateCheckbox()
        return new WindowsCheckbox();
// macOS Factory found in the project name AbstractFactoryPattern under the solution folder name AbstractFactory Pattern

using InterfacePattern;

namespace AbstractFactoryPattern;
public class MacOSUIComponentFactory : IUIComponentFactory
    public IButton CreateButton()
        return new MacOSButton();

    public ICheckbox CreateCheckbox()
        return new MacOSCheckbox();

Purpose of Concrete Factory Classes

  1. Implementation: The concrete factory classes (WindowsUIComponentFactory and MacOSUIComponentFactory) implement the factory interface (IUIComponentFactory) by providing specific methods to instantiate platform-specific instances of IButton and ICheckbox (CreateButton() and CreateCheckbox()).
  2. Platform Specificity: It is the responsibility of each concrete factory class to instantiate objects (WindowsButton, WindowsCheckbox for Windows, MacOSButton, MacOSCheckbox for MacOS) that conform to the interface defined by IButton and ICheckbox.

Key Components

  1. Factory Methods: In each concrete factory class, CreateButton() and CreateCheckbox() return instances of platform-specific IButton and ICheckbox implementations (WindowsButton, WindowsCheckbox for Windows; MacOSButton, MacOSCheckbox for macOS).
  2. Encapsulation: Concrete factories encapsulate the logic of creating related product families (IButton and ICheckbox objects) according to specific platform requirements, ensuring that client code remains agnostic to these details.

Implementation in C#

  • Example: As an example, WindowsUIComponentFactory implements IUIComponentFactory by returning WindowsButton and WindowsCheckbox instances when CreateButton() and CreateCheckbox() are called, respectively. MacOSUIComponentFactory returns MacOSButton and MacOSCheckbox instances as well.
  • Usage: Client code interacts with a concrete factory (WindowsUIComponentFactory or MacOSUIComponentFactory) through a common interface (IUIComponentFactory) in order to obtain instances of IButton and ICheckbox, ensuring platform-specific UI components are created as required.

A concrete factory class (WindowsUIComponentFactory and MacOSUIComponentFactory) in the Abstract Factory pattern and interface pattern in C# facilitates the creation of platform-specific families of related objects (IButton and ICheckbox). By adhering to the factory interface, these classes enable code reusability, maintainability, and scalability.

Step 5. Client Code to Use the Factories

We discuss how client code interacts with concrete factory classes (WindowsUIComponentFactory and MacOSUIComponentFactory) to create and render platform-specific UI components (IButton and ICheckbox).

// Client Class can be found in the project name ClientApplication under the solution folder name Client Application
using InterfacePattern;

namespace ClientApplication;
public class Client
    private readonly IUIComponentFactory _factory;

    public Client(IUIComponentFactory factory)
        _factory = factory;

    public void RenderUI()
        IButton button = _factory.CreateButton();
        ICheckbox checkbox = _factory.CreateCheckbox();

        checkbox. Render();
// Program Class can be found in the project name ClientApplication under the solution folder name Client Application

using AbstractFactoryPattern;
using ClientApplication;
using InterfacePattern;

Console.WriteLine("Hello, from Ziggy Rafiq!");

// Client code using Windows factory
IUIComponentFactory windowsFactory = new WindowsUIComponentFactory();
Client windowsClient = new Client(windowsFactory);


// Client code using macOS factory
IUIComponentFactory macOSFactory = new MacOSUIComponentFactory();
Client macOSClient = new Client(macOSFactory);

Client Class Definition

  • Purpose: The Client class consumes the abstract factory (IUIComponentFactory), responsible for creating and rendering UI components (IButton and ICheckbox).
  • Constructor: It accepts an instance of IUIComponentFactory as a parameter, allowing it to be used with different concrete factories.
  • RenderUI: The RenderUI method creates IButton and ICheckbox objects using factory methods (CreateButton() and CreateCheckbox()), then renders each component using its respective Render() method.

Main Program Usage

Client Initialization

  • WindowsUIComponentFactory is created by creating a windowsFactory instance.
  • This method creates an instance of MacOSUIComponentFactory from a macOSFactory.

Client Initialization

  • Creates Windows and Mac client objects (windowsClient and macOSClient) with their respective factory instances (windowsFactory and macOSFactory).
  • Demonstrates how platform-specific UI components are rendered by calling RenderUI() on each Client instance.

Execution Flow

Windows Client

  • Creates WindowsUIComponentFactory-specific IButton and ICheckboxes.
  • These components are rendered with Windows-specific styles and behaviors.

macOS Client

  • Creates macOS-specific IButton and ICheckbox components using MacOSUIComponentFactory.
  • Provides macOS-specific styling and behavior for these components.

Console Output

Using the abstract factory pattern and interface pattern combination, the rendered components are output to the console, demonstrating the platform-specific rendering capabilities.


  • Flexibility: There is no need to change client code in order to switch between WindowsUIComponentFactory and MacOSUIComponentFactory implementations.
  • Scalability: Extensibility is achieved by creating new concrete factory implementations (ConcreteUIComponentFactory) when adding new platforms or variants of UI components.
  • Maintainability: It adheres to the Open-Closed Principle by enabling new implementations without modifying existing client code.
  • Testability: Provides robust and isolated testing environments by enabling dependency injection of factory instances (IUIComponentFactory).

In essence, the Client code exemplifies the practical application of the abstract factory pattern and interface pattern in C#, demonstrating their utility in creating families of related objects (IButton and ICheckbox) tailored to specific platform requirements while ensuring code flexibility and maintainability.

Benefits of Abstract Factories with Interface Patterns

  • Flexibility: Clients can work with product families without knowing their specific classes.
  • Scalability: The ability to add variants of products or families of products is easier with concrete factories.
  • Maintainability: By allowing new implementations without modifying existing client code, it adheres to the Open-Closed Principle.
  • Testability: The ability to inject dependencies into factories makes testing easier.


By combining the Abstract Factory pattern with C# interfaces, an application can be designed to create families of related objects while maintaining flexibility and scalability. Using interfaces to define contracts, we ensure that our code remains adaptable to changes and encourage the reuse of code across implementations. As demonstrated in our UI component factory example, this approach is particularly useful when related objects need to be abstracted from client code.

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