When we write large programs, it also becomes necessary to organize our code. Rust Programming Language provides an incredible Module System to organize the code. A Package can contain multiple binary crates and one optional library crate. In this article, we will explore Packages and Crates in detail.
Packages in Rust
In general, a package is a collection of binary and library crates. The package provides a set of functionality. A Package contains Cargo.toml file that describes how to build those crates. Package contains two types of crates; the first is the binary crate for the command-line tool we use to build our code. The second crate is a library crate; a binary crate depends on the library crate. A Package must contain at least one crate, whether binary or library.
Crates in Rust
A crate is a collection of the small amount of code the Rust compiler considers at a time. Crates can contain modules. In Rust Programming Language, crates have two types first one is binary crates and the second one is library crates.
Binary Crates in Rust
Binary crates are the programs that we write and compile to be executable. Each binary crate must have a main function that defines what action to be performed at the time of execution.
Creating a Binary Crate
To create a binary crate, run the cargo new crate_name command in the command prompt or terminal. Cargo is a package manager in Rust.
Let's create a binary crate named bin_demo.
And our binary crate is created.
Now navigate to the bin_demo directory and check the file structure; we have a file in the src directory.
Library Crates in Rust
Library crates do not contain the main function. Library crates do not compile to be executable. These crates define functionality for sharing more than one project. A library crate in Rust is a collection of reusable code that provides functionality that can be shared among different projects. Unlike binary crates, library crates do not contain the main function, and they are not compiled to be executable files. Instead, library crates provide reusable code that can be imported and used in other projects. Library crates can be used for a wide range of purposes, including implementing data structures, algorithms, and other types of functionality that can be reused across different projects. By using a library crate, developers can avoid reinventing the wheel and instead focus on building higher-level functionality on top of the shared library.
Creating a Library Crate
cargo new my_crate --lib
This command creates a new directory called my_crate with the following structure.
├── Cargo.toml
└── src/
The Cargo.toml file describes the crate's metadata and dependencies, while the file contains the actual code of the library.
Writing a Library Crate
The code in a library crate is organized into modules, which can be nested to create a hierarchy of functionality. The mod keyword is used to define a new module, and the pub keyword is used to make its contents visible outside the module.
Here is an example of a simple library crate that provides a function to calculate the nth Fibonacci number.
// src/
pub fn fib(n: u32) -> u32 {
if n == 0 || n == 1 {
return n;
fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
In this example, we define a public function fib that takes an unsigned integer n and returns the nth Fibonacci number. The function is implemented recursively using the formula fib(n) = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2), with base cases for n=0 and n=1.
Using a Library Crate
Once you have created a library crate, you can use it in other projects by adding it as a dependency in the Cargo.toml file. To use the my_crate library crate in another project, add the following line to the [dependencies] section of the Cargo.toml file:
my_crate = { path = "../my_crate" }
This tells Cargo to use the my_crate library crate located in the directory above the current project directory. You can then import the my_crate module in your code using the use keyword.
// src/
use my_crate;
fn main() {
let result = my_crate::fib(10);
println!("The 10th Fibonacci number is {}", result);
In this example, we import the my_crate module using the use keyword and call the fib function with an argument of 10. The output of this program will be.
The 10th Fibonacci number is 55
Library crates are an essential part of Rust programming and enable developers to reuse code across different projects. By creating and using library crates, developers can save time and effort while maintaining high-quality code. With the Rust package manager, Cargo, creating and managing library crates is straightforward and intuitive, making it easy to build and share reusable code.
Q. What is a crate in Rust?
A. In Rust, a crate is a compilation unit that contains a set of related functionality. Crates can either be binary or library crates.
Q. What is the difference between binary and library crates?
A. Binary crates are compiled into an executable program, while library crates are not. Library crates provide functionality to other programs and can be shared across multiple projects.
Q. What is a package in Rust?
A. A package in Rust is a collection of one or more crates, including binary and library crates. Packages are defined using a Cargo.toml file and can contain multiple binary crates and one optional library crate.
Q. What is the purpose of the Cargo.toml file?
A. The Cargo.toml file is used to define the package metadata, such as its name, version, and dependencies. It also specifies how to build the crates within the package.
Q. How do I use a library crate in Rust?
A. To use a library crate in Rust, add it as a dependency in the Cargo.toml file of your project. You can then import the library crate using the use keyword in your Rust code.