How to set up Service Bus Queue Messages using Service Bus Explorer


This article demonstrates how to download, create a queue, and send a message from the service bus explorer.

Service Bus Explorer Steps for Setup

We can use an open-source third-party tool to monitor and maintain the Service Bus messages, but right now we need to concentrate on handling the message using Azure Functions. You can download the tool by clicking this link.

  • To connect, open the File menu in the Service Bus Explorer tool and choose Connect.
  • In the Service Bus Namespaces field, select Enter Connection String and enter the connection string. To save the connection locally, click Save. To establish a connection to the Service Bus, click OK.
    Service Bus Explorer 1: Connection
  • Copy the connection string from the Azure Portal as below.
    Service Bus Explorer 2: Azure Portal Connection String
  • Create a queue for sending messages by choosing Create Queue by doing a right click on the Queues.
    Service Bus Explorer 3: Create Queue
  • Fill in the Relative URI and any other configuration that you wish. Then click the Create button.
    Service Bus Explorer 4: Queue Configuration
  • After creating your queue, expand it, right-click on it, and select Send Messages.
    Service Bus Explorer 5: Send Messages
  • In this instance, we might try using the JSON format, so fill in the message text and choose JSON as the message format and click on send. Here is an example of JSON:
        "Id": "05029206-ea68-46b0-9b24-1049599ab562",
        "Message": "This is Khoday Akhilesh",
        "CreatedDate": "2023-11-10"
    Service Bus Explorer 6: JSON Message
  • You may need to repeat this to insert several messages with different contents to fill up the Queue with messages.


In this article, I discussed how we can download the service bus explorer and then create the Queue, and send the message in JSON Format by sharing the Screenshots.