There could be a scenario where it is required to pass the credentials securely from one method to another with in a program. Here I have chosen my scripting language as PowerShell and used PowerShell ISE for demo with version 5.1. Let me put up a small script that reads the credentials from user and passes it to a method. Below is the pseudo-code.
Function FunctionName {
# Logic to perform the task
# Script to read the user input
Below is the PS script to read the credentials. i have used parameter type PSCredential which is coming from namespace System.Management.Automation.
#Demo for Passing credentials as parameters
function ReadCredentials {
Write-Host "User name: $($Credentials.UserName)`nPassword: $($Credentials.Password)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
ReadCredentials -Credentials $SiteCredentials
Below is the screen capture of the output.
In the bigger picture, the same logic is being implemented in one of my business use cases, where I got to update a site title for the existing site in SharePoint online.
The use case here is to update a Site Title using the SPO PowerShell module. I have modified the script to run as a function and called the functions with credentials passed as parameters.
- The service account/user account used to run the script should have SharePoint admin rights enabled.
- Access to PowerShell 5 or VS code or any IDE that supports PowerShell CSOM
- We need to have the following PS modules installed
- Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell
- PSLogging
Note: Kindly refer to the references section on how to install these required modules.
Step 1. Define the function to get the SharePoint online site using the SPO PowerShell module.
Here, I define the following parameters:
- ‘$SiteUrl’ of type ‘string’.
- ‘$LogFile’ of type ‘string’
- ‘UpdatedTitle’ of type ‘string’
- ‘$SiteCredentials’ of type ‘PSCredential’
Function UpdateSiteTitle{
try {
#Setup the context
$Ctx = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($SiteUrl)
$SiteCredentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($AdminCredentials.UserName,$AdminCredentials.Password)
$Ctx.Credentials = $SiteCredentials
#Get the Site from URL
$Web = $Ctx.web
#Get the current site title
Write-host "Site Title:"$web.title
#sharepoint online powershell change site title
$web.title = $UpdatedTitle
Write-LogInfo -Message "Updating Site Title for the site $($SiteUrl)" -LogPath $LogFile -TimeStamp
Write-host "Site Title has been updated!" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-LogInfo -Message "Updated site title for the site $($SiteUrl)" -LogPath $LogFile -TimeStamp
catch {
Write-Host "Error occured while updating the title for url $($SiteUrl)" -ForegroundColor Red
$ExceptionError = $_.Exception.Message
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red
Write-LogError -Message "Error occured while updating the title for url $($SiteUrl)\n$($ExceptionError)" -LogPath $LogFile -TimeStamp
#Module to record the operations during the script execution
Import-Module -Name PSLogging
#Please update your service account that has SharePoint admin rights
$AdminAccount="[email protected]"
$SPOAdminUrl = ""
$Creds = Get-Credential -UserName $AdminAccount -Message "Connecting to SPO Service"
Connect-SPOService -Url $SPOAdminUrl -Credential $Creds
Set-SPOUser -Site $SiteURL -LoginName $AdminAccount -IsSiteCollectionAdmin $true
UpdateSiteTitle -SiteUrl $SiteURL -LogFile "C:\SPOMigration\Output\Logs03082024.txt" -UpdatedTitle "Microsoft365 Proof Of Concept" -AdminCredentials $Creds
It is getting the current site title, and the update is successful.
Thus, in this article, we have seen how to pass credentials as parameters using PS objects.