How to Link Server in SQL?


A linked server in SQL is a powerful feature that allows one SQL Server to connect and execute commands against other OLE DB data sources outside its environment. These data sources can range from other SQL Servers to different databases like Oracle, Access, or even Excel files. Linked servers facilitate the access and manipulation of data across different servers as if they were on the same server.

History and Evolution

Early beginnings

  • SQL Server 7.0 (1998): The concept of linked servers was introduced in SQL Server 7.0. This allowed SQL Server to connect to external data sources using OLE DB providers. This innovation aimed to address the growing need for integrating diverse data sources within a single query framework.

Development over the years

  • SQL Server 2000: Enhanced support for linked servers, including improved performance and expanded capabilities to work with different OLE DB providers.
  • SQL Server 2005: Introduced SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), which simplified the creation and management of linked servers through a more user-friendly interface.
  • SQL Server 2012: Added new features such as enhanced security configurations and improved performance for distributed queries.
  • SQL Server 2016 and Later: Continued to improve the performance and security of linked servers, adding support for newer data sources and making it easier to manage and troubleshoot linked server configurations.

Need and Evolution

The evolution of linked servers has been driven by several key needs.

  1. Data integration: Organizations often use multiple database systems. Linked servers allow seamless querying and integration of these disparate systems, enabling comprehensive data analysis and reporting.
  2. Distributed queries: Facilitate the execution of queries across different databases, reducing the need for data duplication and streamlining data management processes.
  3. Centralized data access: Provide a unified way to access and manage data from different sources, improving efficiency and consistency in data handling.

As business environments have grown more complex, the capabilities of linked servers have expanded to include better performance, more robust security features, and support for a wider array of data sources.


Despite their advantages, linked servers come with certain drawbacks:

  • Performance issues: Distributed queries can be slow, especially if the external data source is large or if network latency is high.
  • Complexity: Managing and troubleshooting linked servers can be complex, particularly in environments with multiple data sources and high query volumes.
  • Security risks: Improper configuration of linked servers can expose sensitive data to unauthorized access or other security vulnerabilities.

Latest version and modern use

The latest versions of SQL Server have continued to refine and enhance linked server capabilities:

  • SQL Server 2019 and 2022: These versions offer improved performance, enhanced security features, and better integration with modern data sources, including cloud-based services. They also provide more robust tools for monitoring and managing linked servers.

Linked servers are now better equipped to handle the demands of modern applications, which often involve complex data integration across various platforms and technologies.

Sample SQL code

Here is an example of how to set up and use a linked server in SQL Server

-- Add a new linked server
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 
-- Configure the security settings for the linked server
EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 
-- Querying data from the linked server
FROM LinkedOracleServer..schema.table;

In this example

  • sp_addlinkedserver is used to create the linked server.
  • sp_addlinkedsrvlogin sets up the login credentials for the linked server.
  • The SELECT statement demonstrates how to query data from the linked server.


Linked servers in SQL provide a robust solution for integrating and managing data across diverse sources. While they come with certain challenges, the continuous improvements in SQL Server have addressed many of these issues, making linked servers a viable option for modern data environments. As data integration needs continue to grow, linked servers will likely remain an essential tool in the SQL Server toolkit.

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