This article demonstrates how we can interact with our Google Firebase data using a Raspberry Pi and Node-Red visual programming environment.
Node-Red is a visual programming environment that allows users to create coding by dragging and dropping nodes on the screen. Node-Red has been preinstalled on noobs. It can also be installed on Windows and Linux. You can run Node-Red on your specific system.
Step 1
Install / Upgrade
Since Node-RED is already installed, you can install or upgrade it using the Node-RED upgrade script command mentioned below.
Next, go to Raspbian Start >> Programming >> Node-Red.
Start the Node-Red program.
Step 2
Open Google Firebase Console "" and create a new project. Here, our project name is Node-Red.
Enable Email/Password sign-in
- In the Firebase console, open the Auth section.
- On the "Sign in method" tab, enable the Email/password sign-in method.
Create a child path. Here, the child name is D1. Copy the Firebase connection link "".
The given child value is null or zero.
Step 3
Once Node-Red has started, point a browser at http://Local_IP:1880. This works better with the Chrome or Edge browsers.
Select the "Manage palette" option from the right side of the menu bar.
Then, search for “firebase” and install the node-red-contribs-firebase and node-red-contribs-firebase real-time databases.
We will also send a text comment back to our Firebase database and then let's start dragging and dropping the "Firebase modify" and "inject i/p".
The child path name is the same as of the Firebase database child name, i.e., "D1".
- Text string to Firebase -- a text input node is wired to a firebase modify node.
- Edit the firebase modify node with the correct database address and value to set.
- The string is successfully connected and click the "deploy".
The values are pushed to Google Firebase.
Finally, we have successfully started interacting with Google Firebase using Raspberry Pi and Node-Red.