If you’re new to Azure, I recommend reading the Introduction to Microsoft Azure.
If you don’t have an Azure account, click here to get an account free of cost.
In this article, we will learn about installing and configuring Ghost on Windows Azure, using Azure Deploy button. To learn more about Ghost, please go through my previous article, "How To Install Node.js Using Windows Azure Platform." Assuming that you have read the article, let's get started.
There is an ”Azure deploy” in GitHub Project, which is developed by Felix Rieseberg. He named this project Ghost Azure. It is flexible because this project is deployed on the Azure Cloud. Now, to get started deploying Ghost blog on Azure, just visit Ghost-Azure.
It will automatically open up Ghost-Azure project in GitHub. Scroll down and find “Readme.md” file. Click “Deploy to Azure” and this will automatically start provisioning Ghost for you in Microsoft Azure.
Deploy the Azure.com website and check for repository from the HTTP header.
Subsequently, complete summary page is required to proceed, because this summary page is very important to getting started.
- Directory- Choose your default directory to store your project files
- Resource Group- This project will automatically create a new resource group called Ghost-Azureee80. Thus, change that one and create a new one or change it.
- Site Name- Provide your Ghost site name which you are going to create.
- Site Location- Here, choose site location as West US.
- Email Service- select email Service as Gmail Service because everyone has a Gmail account.
Everything is done. Click next button to proceed to the next step.
Subsequently, Preview Window displays which resource we are deploying, using Ghost-Azure.
It has successfully installed Azure, using Deploy button.
Once creation is completed, you just need to manage your site in Azure management portal.
Congrats. Our Ghost Web app is deployed successfully. Now, you will be navigated to the Settings page of your Web app.
Click the URL of the Web app and you will be navigated to the Ghost Blog.
Setup Ghost Administration
Now, our Ghost Web app is working as expected. It’s time to setup an administrator of our created Ghost Web app.
To setup admin rights to our Web app for uploading blog posts, just type "/admin" at the end of ....azurewebsites.net and press Enter.
The actual path is https://<<your appname>>.azurewebsites.net/admin
You will land on the Ghost account setup page. Once you get there, click “Create your account” to create Ghost account.
Provide your valid email ID, full name, blog name and password. Subsequently, click “Last step: Invite your team”.
If you are interested in creating a team, enter your partner's mail Id and click one by one and click “Invite some users” to invite the users. If you don’t, just click “I will do it later.
Congratulations. Everything is complete.
Creating a New Post
Now, on Admin page, click “New Post” to create a new post in Ghost Blogger.
Provide Post Title and Post content. Preview Window is cascaded to display final appearance of your post, once it is published.
The post content is updated. Now, it’s time to publish the post globally.
Thus click dropdown, which is next to “Save Draft”. Just change “Save Draft” to “Publish Post”.
Finally, click "Publish Now" button to publish your created post.
Once your post is published, you will be able to find the Update Post option.
Now, navigate to your Web app URL. Now, you will be able to find the published post.
In this article, we learned about setting up a Ghost blog in Windows Azure, using Ghost-Azure button.
I hope you enjoyed reading this article. Thanks for reading.