How To Install And Setup RabbitMQ Server Locally

What is RabbitMQ?

RabbitMQ is an open-source message broker and intelligent message bus that receives messages from producers and routes them to one or more consumers. It’s a flexible messaging platform that has been designed from the ground up to interoperate with other messaging systems. It supports several messaging protocols such as AMQP, SMTP, STOMP, and HTTP for lightweight web messaging.

Above is the general architecture of a RabbitMQ messaging system. Here, Producers and consumers are on two sides, and RabbitMQ is in the middle. Producers connect to RabbitMQ and sent their messages. Consumers also connect to RabbitMQ and read messages from it. There are other elements like channels, exchanges, and queues.

This article demonstrates how to install and setup RabbitMQ server in localhost. You can find N number of articles or blogs on this topic on the internet. But this article will help you make that steps short and simple so that we can get the job done quickly.

Let’s follow below steps to up and running RabbitMQ server in localhost –

STEP 1 – Download and Install Erlang

The RabbitMQ server is written in Erlang language and is built on the Open Telecom Platform (OTP) framework for clustering and failover.

Go to the link.

Download the supported version of Erlang for windows. It is recommended to install 64-bit version.

How To Install And Setup RabbitMQ Server Locally

Let’s install the downloaded exe file with the default configuration. Make sure that Erlang installer run with an admin account.

STEP 2 – Download and Install RabbitMQ Server

Go to this link.

Click on direct download link there.

How To Install And Setup RabbitMQ Server Locally

Let’s install the downloaded exe file with the default configuration.

NOTE - We will get this warning if we didn’t install Erlang first as per previous step.

STEP 3 – Enable RabbitMQ Management from CMD

Let’s open Command Prompt then go to -> cd C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.9.15\sbin

rabbitmq-plugins.bat enable rabbitmq_management

How To Install And Setup RabbitMQ Server Locally

STEP 4 – Browse and login to RabbitMQ server

Let’s open this URL in the browser http://localhost:15672/#/ and login with default username and password “guest”.

How To Install And Setup RabbitMQ Server Locally

How To Install And Setup RabbitMQ Server Locally

Awesome! RabbitMQ is now up and running in localhost.

There are also several ready to use Docker images on Docker hub. If you are using docker, it’s recommended to readily available images for local setup.

Happy Learning!

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